Dark Carousel (Dark #30) - Christine Feehan Page 0,56

the exception of the occasional quick look at Charlotte. The little girl took a deep breath. “Are you Tariq’s girlfriend?”

Instantly everyone went silent and stared at her. She opened her mouth to answer in the negative. She didn’t really know what she was to him. His lover? What would she call herself?

“In my country, with my people, Charlotte would be called avio päläfertiilam, which means my lifemate. She is more than a girlfriend to me. Much more.” Tariq caught Bella in both hands and swung her expertly to the ground. It was clear he’d done that maneuver more than once.

“Does that mean you like her . . . a lot?” Liv persisted.

“Yes,” Tariq answered.

“If she doesn’t like us, do we have to leave?” That was from Danny, who studiously avoided looking at her.

Charlotte’s breath caught in her throat. They were all worried about losing their home and Tariq, their safety net. Because of her. She shook her head. “First, I like all of you already. Bella has made my Lourdes laugh and be happy again, something I couldn’t do for her. I would never want you to lose your home, nor can I imagine Tariq turning his back on you for a woman. If a woman asked him to do that, she wouldn’t be worth anything to him and I would hope he’d dump her immediately. More, if Tariq told you that you were part of his family and he has given you a place to live under his protection, he would never be anything but loyal to you.”

She knew with every cell in her body that was the truth about the man. She felt things now, especially anything to do with Tariq, as though they were connected; she knew him inside and out. He was a man of his word and he was extremely loyal. She wanted the children to know that much about him because it was clear they needed stability. She intended to ask Tariq a lot of questions.

“Really, Tariq?” Amelia asked for confirmation.

The children still looked as if they were holding their collective breath. Their fear beat at her. Tariq slipped his arm around her waist, still touching Liv, consoling her with one hand stroking caresses in her hair, a soothing action meant to keep her from bolting. He tugged at Charlotte until she was beneath his shoulder, her front tight against his side. Without warning, they were all connected. Tariq to Liv, Tariq to Charlotte, Tariq the conduit between them.

Images arose, so terrible, so disturbing, at first Charlotte didn’t believe they could be real. They were images from a really bad horror film. A monster of a creature crouched over Liv in a small room. There were cages in that room, cages where children were kept, a cage where a man was kept, a man bloody and tortured. Liv lay on the floor, and the thing with blazing red eyes and sharp, serrated teeth tore at her little body, ripping chunks of flesh from her, trying to devour her alive.

It couldn’t have happened. Not for real. Not to that beautiful child with the pale face and bandages everywhere. She hadn’t screamed. Hadn’t cried out. Her older sister was locked in a cage in the other room and if the monster didn’t get Liv, he would go after Amelia. Bella was in another cage close by, but not close enough for the girls to touch. Liv was terrified, and she knew she would be eaten alive, but she refused to scream. She didn’t want the baby to know monsters ate little girls.

The monster’s face was distorted. His skin on one side appeared to have melted and his flesh just sloughed off. One eye hung half in and half out of the socket. What was left of his hair fell in long, dank dreads. He had Liv’s blood smeared all over his mouth and chin. Up this close she could see flesh in his teeth.

Charlotte’s stomach lurched. This was too real. It had to have happened. There were too many details. How did she get away? Tariq had shown her what had happened, shown her the terrible damage that had been done to this child both physically and psychologically. How could she possibly recover? How could any of the children? She could barely believe what she’d seen. She didn’t want to believe it.

Maksim’s lifemate, Blaze, and Emeline went in after them. We were still a distance away and trying to get to them fast. Danny had the

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