Dark Carousel (Dark #30) - Christine Feehan Page 0,164

dragon politely extended its wing to her. She swung her leg over and then rubbed and scratched at the scales just like her dragon preferred.

Come fly with us, Charlotte said to the green dragon. When it didn’t respond she played her trump card, using her firmest voice. You are wasting away without Liv. You need to be in excellent health to carry her on your back during flight. She’ll be with you in a couple of nights and I’m not about to take a chance that you might be too weak to carry her.

The green dragon raised its head and glared at her. She had to keep a smile from her face. Instead she turned away from the creature and signaled to the blue dragon that they were all ready. Immediately he extended his wings and flapped them ferociously, stepping out away from the others to give himself room to take off. Then they were airborne and Lourdes was laughing, pressing back against Charlotte. The child’s eyes were bright with wonder as they flew over the lake and skimmed the water.

Behind them came the others, Blaze and Bella, Danny and Amelia. And the riderless green dragon. They spent an hour riding the dragons in the sky, careful to stay away from populated areas, but between Blaze and Charlotte they shielded the sight from any watchers.

Good practice for you, Blaze said. You learn so fast.

She was learning to fight as well. She didn’t ever want to face a vampire, but she was certain it was inevitable, given that she was lifemate to a hunter and this would be their lives. Watching the children grow. Keeping them safe. Educating them. Teaching them how to fight vampires.

She loved spending time with the children. Tonight she wanted them worn-out. Genevieve was in on the surprise for Tariq, although she hadn’t given them details. She blushed, thinking about Genevieve rolling her eyes and fanning herself. She knew. But along with Danny and Amelia, they were all willing to help her.

The children were back inside the house, and Genevieve and the two teenagers had brought out board games, pizza and snacks as well as movies. The movies were all in 3-D, something Danny particularly loved, so he was willing to watch animated children’s shows with Bella and Lourdes.

Blaze left to visit with Emeline, and Charlotte walked to the main house. She knew Tariq would first visit Liv before he came looking for her, so she started at the entrance to the basement and left a trail of rose petals. Everywhere she stepped she left the soft, red petals. At the door she took off her blouse and watched the material float to the floor to land on top of the petals.

Something about seeing the way her blouse landed on the rose petals tightened her nipples in anticipation. She could feel them, so sensitive, pushing against her lacy bra with every step she took. She’d thought about this all night, prepared for it, and that had made her burn for him most of the evening.

She left more of a trail, and then her beautiful stiletto heels were off, first one and then a few steps later the other. She kept walking across the yard, out in the open air, under all those beautiful stars.

Blaze had taught her how to shield and she’d practiced over and over for this night. She wanted to give Tariq something special. He never shirked responsibility. He always saw to her in bed, never asking for much for himself. He was bossy in the bedroom, but it was all for her, for her pleasure. She wanted to give him this night.

More rose petals, and this time her jeans landed across the path. Another enticement. Now she was walking barefoot in her lacy pale peach bra and matching thong. The thong was already wet. Just the thought of Tariq following that trail made her slide her hands down her body, following the path his would take first.

I would see to your breasts first. Cup them. Hold them out to me.

He was there but she couldn’t see him. She halted and looked around.

Do as I tell you, sielamet. Don’t stop walking. Continue on your path. I love to see you walking and I cannot wait to see what you do next.

Behind her? In front of her? She took a deep breath and started toward her destination once more, waving her hand to continue the flow of rose petals. Her bra landed on a particularly thick

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