Dark Carousel (Dark #30) - Christine Feehan Page 0,108

promise, honey, I’m going to try.”

They stood together, holding each other, Amelia’s hand on the orange dragon, both watching the younger children playing on the rock statues that were far more than they looked. Charlotte had an overwhelming sense of sadness. These were her children. Her family now. They were locked behind the high fences like prisoners, unable to go anywhere or have friends. Their families had been ripped apart. Tariq put them to sleep during the day, and they had an older couple watching over them in case Vadim sent humans or puppets after the children during the daylight hours when he couldn’t protect them. It was a beautiful prison, but it was still a prison. She had to help Tariq find a way to get them out.

We will, Tariq whispered softly in her mind.

Charlotte was completely tuned to him. Aware of him with every cell in her body. Her mind wanted to stay in his. She needed the continual touch between them, both physical and mental. Fortunately, he seemed to need it as well. She loved that they could touch each other’s mind and know the other was alive and well. She needed that reassurance as well.

What are you doing?

Sending Danny to you so I can deal with the intruders. They’ve set up a couple of places to spy on us. I intend to have a talk with them.

Be safe, she cautioned, unable to help herself. We can’t do without you.

She felt the brush of his fingers along her jaw, the touch of his lips against hers. The sensation was faint, but it was there and it was enough to reassure her.

Danny strode toward her. He was a gangly young man, mostly legs and arms, but with the promise of a strong physique. He frowned a little when he observed Amelia clinging to Charlotte, her face stained with tears. “Something wrong?” he asked as he neared them.

Danny was fifteen, nearly sixteen, and he was extremely protective of his sisters. Already she could see Tariq in him. The way he walked and carried himself. Expressions. Hand gestures. The boy had serious hero worship going on. It was going to take a little more for him to accept Charlotte into their lives. He’d lived on the streets long enough to learn not to trust easily.

He reached out, snagged Amelia’s arm and pulled her awkwardly to him. “What’s wrong?” His voice was a replica of Tariq’s. A demand. A command.

Amelia shrugged. “I needed to talk to someone, Danny. Charlotte let me. She just listened, that’s all. No biggie. What were you and Tariq talking about that was so important he took you off alone? I hate that. Like it’s man business and I’m not supposed to know what’s going on.”

Danny grinned down at his sister. “It is man business, girlie. Heap big man business.” The grin faded, and he looked far older than his teen years. “In this case we were discussing what it takes for a conversion. He’s worried about Liv. He has no choice with her. She can’t live half in our world and half in his. It has to be soon. She isn’t eating or drinking enough. And he worries that she’ll . . .”

Amelia gripped his arm. “I know. I know. What did he say it was like?”

Danny hesitated. “A lot of pain. He doesn’t want that for Bella or Lourdes or Liv. He can’t stop it, though. If they’re converted, and Liv has to be, then they’ll experience a lot of pain.”

“Danny, if she’s converted, then all of us are. That was our agreement,” Amelia said. “All of us. We stick together no matter what.” She looked up at Charlotte. “He’s converting you. Are you going to have him do the same for Lourdes?”

She didn’t know. The thought of Lourdes in pain was more than she could bear. Lourdes was three, the same age as Bella. Even Tariq was worried about converting the children. All she could do was tell the truth. “I plan to go through it first. Then I’ll have a better idea of whether Lourdes can handle it. Tariq is also consulting with a couple of expert healers or doctors. I’m not altogether certain what they are, but he wants to have all the information before any decision is made.”

“If Liv has to go through it, we all do,” Amelia said stubbornly. “All of us. If you’re going to marry Tariq and be our mother, then you can’t leave Lourdes behind any more

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