The Daring Twin - Donna Fletcher Page 0,102

her situation. Only two men rode with Odo, a third always out scouting the area.

She slipped her cloak over her hands when she saw that Odo approached on his horse.

“You watch, wait, and plan. I admire your warrior skills, so unusual in a woman. I think it is time to put them to a test. Give me your hands.”

She obliged him and he laughed when he saw the loosened ties.

“Finish ridding yourself of them, your attempt to free yourself has set for a better scene.”

She worked her way out of the ties and tossed them to the ground.


She slipped off her mare giving her rump a pat, letting her know she was to stay close by. She watched with curiosity for Odo’s next move.

“Tarr cannot be far behind, so we have little time—and I do want your body found on his land. He will be livid when he thinks the Wolf clan invaded his property and killed his bride-to-be on their wedding day.”

“Your plan is flawed. Even if you manage to kill Tarr and me, there is still my sister to deal with. She will demand answers—”

He snickered. “I have plans for Aliss.”

That did it, now she was going to have to kill him. There was no doubt about it.

“You do know I am going to take great pleasure in gutting you.”

“You will be too busy fighting the Wolf clan.” He gave a wave and out of the woods stepped several men garbed in wolf skin, the head and face of the wolf forming a helmet of sorts and concealing their faces.

She counted six as they formed a half-circle in front of her.

“Do I get a weapon to defend myself?”

“You expect me to make it easy for the warrior twin? Be grateful I give you a chance to run before the wolves descend on you. Worry not about Tarr, he will follow you into death.” He laughed. “Now run. Run for your life.”

Fiona sprinted into the woods, her first thought to put distance between her and her enemy, time later to fashion a weapon. She heard the crack of a branch a distance behind her. The wolves had been let lose; she had no time to spare for thought. She put all her effort into running.

Raynor had dismounted a few feet ahead of the column of men and examined the ground when suddenly he jerked his head up.

Tarr caught his abrupt reaction and rode over to him; Aliss close behind him.

“What is it?” He asked dismounting.

“Someone is close by.”

Tarr signaled his men for attack when suddenly one of Odo’s men ran out of the woods, blood dripping from his head, and dropped on the ground in front of Raynor.

Aliss dismounted, prepared to go to his aid but Tarr stopped her, shoving her behind him. Another wave of his hand had his men off their horses and spreading in a protective circle around them.

“Odo needs help.” The man took deep breaths, grasping for air. “The Wolf clan attacked.”

“Fiona?” Tarr demanded.

“Odo saw her safely to the woods and ordered her to run,” he gulped for another breath.

“What brought Odo here?” Raynor asked.

“I follow orders, I know not his plans.”

“Take us to where he fights,” Raynor instructed.

“The woods,” the man said with a wave of his hand. “The wolves give chase through the woods.”

A scream pierced the cold air.

“Fiona!” Aliss yelled and took off, bursting through the circle of warriors before she could be stopped.

Tarr followed in quick pursuit along with several of his men.

Aliss was far lighter on her feet and was soon out of sight, fearing not that they would lose her trail. Besides, if she could reach her sister sooner it might make all the difference.

She sprinted over fallen trees, ducked beneath branches, and avoided holes that could tear at the ankles until in the distance she spotted her sister’s green wool cloak on the ground. She was traveling in the right direction. She picked up speed.

Fiona knew the man was almost on top of her. He would catch her soon; she had only one choice. She dropped like a felled branch to the ground. Her pursuer could not halt soon enough; he tripped over her hitting the ground hard. Fiona picked up a thick rock with both hands and, with a shrilling screech, brought it down with a heavy thud on his head, knocking him out cold.

She hoped her painful scream would convince at least one or two of her pursuers that she had met her demise and they Copyright 2016 - 2024