Dare Series Collection - Shantel Tessier Page 0,394

She does this to me every fucking time. And that’s exactly why she has to go. Austin has always been my weakness. She clouds my vision, and I can’t take that chance. I won’t survive sitting on a kitchen floor, holding her dead body in my arms again.

She’s panting when I pull away with a small smile on her face. She thinks she won.

I take a deep breath and break her heart like I did the morning after prom. When I pushed her away, not sure if I’d ever get her back. “You will leave tonight.” Her face falls. “This is not up for discussion. And there are no other options.”

A small gasp escapes her lips. I feel the need to explain myself and make her understand that I won’t risk her life. Not even for myself. “Because I love you, sweetheart. And you’re not safe.” Admitting I can’t protect her is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to accept. I can’t fail her. Not again.

She yanks away from me, green eyes burning into mine. Another reason I fell in love with her is because her hatred can match mine any day.

“I love you—”

“Fuck you, Cole!” she snaps. “You want me out?” She reaches down and shoves the things on the floor into her bag. “I’m out.”

“Austin …”

She looks up at me from her knees with streaks running down her gorgeous face from her eyeliner. “Just don’t expect me to come running when you call me to come back.” Then she exits the closet, leaving me to eat my own words.

My chest aches at her absence. The sudden silence almost deafening. Her perfume lingers in the large space, but my eyes scan over the empty shelves. Hangers litter the floor. Might as well be my soul in pieces because she owns it, and I just forced her to leave me. Who knows if she’ll ever forgive me.

I jerk at the sound of the front door slamming shut.

I have to remind myself this is for the best. I’ve always been selfish when it comes to her, but I can’t afford it this time. The cost is too much.

I walk into our bedroom and see my keys lying on the end of the bed. Picking them up, I follow her.

Fifteen minutes later, I pull my car to a stop and get out. I lean up against the hood as I face the private jet that sits on the tarmac in the night. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I look it over, hoping she can see me. That she knows this hurts me just as much as it does her.

I watch Deke exit the plane and walk down the steps. They close right behind him, and it begins to pull away.

“What are you doing here?” he asks, coming over to me.

“I had to make sure she got on the plane,” I answer, unable to take my eyes from it.

“She was pissed.” He sighs. “So was Demi. She hates me.” He hangs his head.

“At least they’ll be alive to do so.” It’s the only thing I can keep telling myself. This will keep her breathing. Too many times she has been close to death just since I met her.

“We’ll see them again,” he assures.

“Maybe.” They may be getting away to a safe place, but that doesn’t assure our safety. I’d die for her without a thought. I’ll make sure we all die as long as it means we get our guy.

“Come on.” He slaps my shoulder. “Come over to my place, and we’ll talk strategy.”

I turn my back to the plane as it picks up speed at the end of the runway and pull on my door handle when a loud boom has us both ducking.

I spin around to see the very plane our wives were on engulfed in flames and plummeting to the ground. “AUSTIN …”


Sitting straight up, I gasp for air. My heart pounds, and I’m soaking wet. It’s dark. Pitch black. I blink, hoping my eyes will adjust, but they don’t.

I reach over and search for my cell. I knock it off, hearing it hit the floor. I find the lamp and switch the light on.

I’m back at home. In bed. Our bed. “Austin?” I reach over to find her asleep beside me.

I run my hands through my wet hair. It was a dream. A nightmare.

Sucking in a deep breath, I try to calm my racing heart. It felt so real. The argument we had. She was wearing her wedding

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