Dare Series Collection - Shantel Tessier Page 0,356

“Give me your phone.”

“No.” He shakes his head, taking a step back. “Anything but that.”

“Shane,” I call out, not taking my eyes off Seth.

I hear the chair he’s sitting in slide across the tile and then his shoes on the floor as he exits and goes to the only bedroom in this small cabin. Seconds later, he comes back into the living room, and this time, he has a woman in his arms. She lies across them, still passed out.

“Melissa!” Seth snaps and goes to take a step toward them, but Cole places a hand on his chest, stopping him.

I walk over to the kitchen area as Shane sits her in a chair. She slumps forward, and I walk behind her, gripping her dark hair in my hand, I pull her head back. With my free hand, I gently push her brown hair off her face, neck, and chest. I slide my knuckles down over her exposed neck, making him think the worst, but really, I’m just checking her pulse. When satisfied, I pull my hand away and look back at him.

“Melissa?” he shouts.

“She can’t hear you,” I tell him. “See, I gave her what GHB you had left.”

Cole holds up the now empty bottle that he found here earlier this morning. “You know, what you didn’t use on Demi.”

“You son of a bitch!” he shouts and goes to walk toward me, but Cole slams his fist into Seth’s face, knocking him back.

“But there wasn’t much left,” I add. “I say we’ve got maybe thirty minutes before she starts to come around.”

“If you hurt her …”

“What?” I ask. “What are you going to do? There’s four of us and one of you.” This guy has no clue what we are capable of.

“And unlike you, none of us are gay.” Shane says, stepping up next to her. “And in case you were wondering, brunettes are my favorite,” he adds, pulling a long piece of rope out of my black duffle bag.

Blood runs from Seth’s nose as he watches Shane somewhat speechless and wide-eyed.

Shane moves behind the chair and pulls the girl’s arms behind it. He begins to wrap the rope around her small wrists, binding them together before tying the rope to the chair. Making it impossible for her to move if she wakes.

“Stop,” Seth chokes out, finding his voice. “I’ll give it to you.”

I stay where I’m at, holding the girl’s head back by her hair, and Cole takes the phone from him. He brings it over to me. Pulling up his Facebook app, he then goes to his PMs. He scrolls down until he gets to Evan Scott and opens it up.

Evan Scott: Want to keep your secret a secret? Fuck Demi Holt.

Seth: What? Who the fuck is this?

Evan Scott: Someone who knows everything about you.

Seth: Fuck off, man.

Then Evan sends a video to him. Cole pushes play. Sounds of grunts fill the silent room as we watch Seth and our English Lit professor fuck under the sheets of a bed. It’s clear who it is and what they are doing. Cole exits out of it.

Seth: What the fuck? How did you get that?

“Where was this recorded at?” I demand, not bothering to look up at him.

“Here,” he answers roughly.

Evan Scott: Fuck Demi Holt at the cabin in the bedroom, and I’ll keep your secret. You’ve got twenty-four hours.

Cole exits out of the app. I look at Seth. “When were you here with him?”

Blood still drips from his nose and onto his white T-shirt. He won’t look us in the eyes. Instead, he stares at the floor. He’s embarrassed. I don’t give two shits who he fucks as long as it isn’t Demi against her will. “Last time was earlier this week. This is where we always meet.”

“Go check the bedroom,” I order to Shane. “There has to be a camera set up.”

“Evan didn’t tell you to drug her. What made you think to do it?”

“I thought it would be easier …” He swallows. “I overheard Peter talking about it. He sold it to me.”

“You bought GHB from your sister’s boyfriend?” I demand.

He flinches but doesn’t answer.

“Who all knows you’re gay?” Cole asks him.

“No one did. No one other than Demi.”

“And Professor?”

He shakes his head. “He wouldn’t do this.”

“What makes you so sure?” I ask. Now that I know he bought the GHB from Peter, and Peter had been the one openly bragging about how he would fuck Demi. I’m thinking that maybe they weren’t as careful as they

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