Dare To Love Again - Jordan Silver Page 0,87


The rest of her things, the shit that I hadn’t destroyed in my anger that had been stashed away in the attic, was being taken care of. It was mostly overpriced bags and shoes along with the minks that she was so fond of along with whatever else Delores had salvaged at the behest of my mother the sneak. She didn’t think I knew about that, but simp that I was, I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of everything of hers and now admit to myself that I was glad mom had taken the issue out of my hands.

I opened the case and looked down at the rings before looking back at her, where she waited for me on the bed. I removed them and climbed back into bed with her, and answered her questioning look with a kiss while putting her on her back beneath me. She was still wet and warm from our last fuck, so it was easy to slip my hardening cock inside her.

She spread her legs and went to put her arms around me, but I pulled the left one back around. I held still for a second before looking into her eyes as I took her hand in slid the rings back where they belonged. She opened her mouth to speak even as her eyes filled with tears, but I stopped her words with my tongue.

When she was breathless, and her pussy was squeezing the hell out of my rod, I released her lips long enough to give her a warning. “If you ever take these off again, it’ll be the last thing you do.” I didn’t give her a chance to answer but swallowed her tongue again as I fucked into her nice and slow. There was no rush this time, not after the three or four times I’d already had her tonight.

I didn’t tell Giselle about her grandmother’s all until the next morning at breakfast because once we started making love the night before, everything else went out the window. “Did she say what it was about? Not that I don’t wish to see her mind you.”

“No, she didn’t, but I got the feeling it was important whatever it is.”

We’d spent some time dealing with her inheritance, which seems to distress her, and so she’d asked me to handle that side of things. When I asked why she was having such a hard time with it, she explained that her dad’s death was new to her, and it was like reliving that day, seeing him get murdered right in front of her all over again.

The money the estate, all of it, felt too much like she was profiting from his demise. I plan to speak to her about putting it all in trust for our future children, but that can wait for later. My only priority right now is making sure that she’s okay and handling all this new information the right way. I’d suggest a therapist, but I’m not sure she’s ready for that yet, as introverted as she tends to be.

Mom brought the baby home in time for the three of us to leave after promising to keep her in the loop. I was nervous and didn’t know why as we pulled through the gates of the estate. Unlike the last time, no one was waiting for us outside, which I didn’t expect, but I was beginning to second-guess, bringing my wife and son here.

Ann hadn’t returned though I know where she’s been holed up for the past few days. I was right to worry about the Salvos, as she was still very much in league with them. It didn’t help my psyche much when Giselle let it slip that it was one of her mother’s cousins whom she’s given the slip when he came to pick her up at the boarding school all those years ago.

I took her hand in mine and carried my son on the other shoulder as we climbed the steps to the monstrosity of a house that her dad had inherited from his when her grandfather passed a while back. According to what I’ve learned, Ann had thrown the grandmother out the day after Sterling’s death since he’d kept his mother home with him.

Now that I’d met the older woman and had spent some time with her, I’m wondering how she’d allowed that to happen. She doesn’t strike me as the type to be strong-armed by anyone, least of all the woman she hated

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