Dare To Love Again - Jordan Silver Page 0,80

would do anything if it meant keeping me out of their hair.

After that, it was easy to pretend to have run into him in class or outside of it and strike up a conversation. I’ve always been popular, have always been one of the ‘it’ crowd, so knew well how to work him. I didn’t show any interest in anything more than business, never once let on that I was in love with him. Maybe I was too good of an actress because for the four years we were there together. Then the other one and a half spent getting our masters at the same university; he had a parade of women in and out of his life, and never once, not even in a drunken stupor, did he ever look at me as anything more than a friend.

But that didn’t stop me though all was not lost. Because you see, I’d convinced myself that none of those women were wife material, that he was just sowing his wild oats until he was ready to settle down, and when that time came, it was me he’d come looking for. I swallowed my pride each time he had some bimbo on his arm and satisfied myself with thoughts of our future together.

I got really good at seeing the pattern in his affairs, and that too gave me solace. None of them ever lasted a year. Until her, until he bitch that stole him from me. I knew she was trouble that she was different from the day they met. It’s the way he talked about her, the light in his eyes that was never there for me or anyone else that came before her.

I can still feel the knots in my stomach that I had that day when he was telling Donovan and I about her over drinks. I can still see that stupid look on his face. I remember the way Donovan had reacted as if he too had seen it. He’d congratulated Calen in a way he never had before when talking about one of his conquests.

I’d looked back and forth between the two men feeling sick while trying to calmly convince myself that this time would be no different from all the rest. Until that night months later, when once again, it was the three of us, and he was showing us the antique ring that had belonged to his mother’s grandmother.

I couldn’t hold back the scream of despair, but even then, I was quick enough to make it appear to be one of joy and excitement while I died inside. I hated since that moment with an unbridled resentment that has never waned. If I could’ve killed her, I would’ve in those first few days after the engagement. She was all he could talk about, the man who ate, slept, and breathed business was acting like a lovesick schoolboy over someone as unworthy as her.

He’ll never know how many times I died inside, seeing the two of them together. How much I ached each time, I saw him hold her hand or touch her in some way as if he couldn’t help himself, not even when others were around. I hid my hate well, but thoughts of how to get rid of her were never far from my mind.

I was giddy for days after I found her mother, and it didn’t take me long to figure out why she’d kept her family a secret. If anyone hated her more than me, it was the woman who gave birth to her. I reveled in that hate and couldn’t wait to stir the pot. At first, the most I could hope for was that the mother would cause drama in their marriage, disrupt their lives to the point where Calen and especially his mother would have enough.

So imagine my surprised pleasure when Ann assured me that she would be getting her daughter away from Calen. At the time, I couldn’t see how, but the other woman was adamant that she could do it, and it wasn’t long before the divorce happened. It was all I could do to hide my glee back then, but I had to play the part of the aggrieved friend.

I held his hand and was there as a shoulder to lean on and was very pleased when he said he didn’t need one. He’d gone right back to being the way he was before, something I now see may not have been a good sign.

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