Dare To Love Again - Jordan Silver Page 0,45

swore I would never give to anyone ever again. It’s a dangerous game I’m playing, but between my own thoughts, my parents’ attitude, and the fact that she’s not leaving here with my son, I think I know where this has to go. Besides all of that, there’s one glaringly obvious reason why I keep fucking her. I never got over her.

I should feel like a simp, but somehow I don’t. Had I learned that she’d left me for some other man, the decision would’ve been easy, take my son and punt her ass somewhere. But she hadn’t done that, and now I find myself wanting to know her reasons even more than before. I looked over at where she was out cold in my bed beside me, and that feeling of warmth that I thought long dead hit me again.

I tried holding on to my reserve, to remind myself that no matter why she’d left, she’d cheated me out of knowing my son. But for some reason, it no longer packed as much heat as it did the day before. I’m slipping back into the same old rut it seems like, but I’ll be damned if I let her play me for a fool again.

I rolled out of bed, making sure not to wake her, and walked into the closet to find my robe that was hanging there. I stopped off at the nursery first to check on my boy before making my way down to the other end of the hallway. I decided not to go to the office in the other wing but dipped into the smaller, less formal one on this side of the house. I only needed a phone for what I was about to do.

My eyes fell on the clock; it was late at night. But my team knows they’re on call twenty-four seven so I wasn’t worried. Silas answered on the second ring sounding wide awake and ready. “Sir?”

“I need a full track and trace kit for my wife and son.” I caught my wording as soon as the words left my mouth but didn’t correct myself. I also need you to go to her apartment and set up hidden cameras inside and out. What did you do with Sorenson?”

“We told him to keep his mouth shut and let him go. He was worried about what he was going to tell his client, but in the end, I think he knows you’re more of a danger to him than he or she is, so he decided that he’d come up with something on his own. How soon do you want us to set everything up?”

“Now! Did you find anything yet?”

“Some, I was going to wait until we had more and call you in the morning.” I didn’t say anything, and he took that to mean I wanted him to go on.

“Right, um, like I said, the number Sorenson had comes back to the Winthrop estate. The only one we can find there so far who can pull off something like this seems to be his widow. The only other people left are staff, and I doubt any of them are being paid enough to afford something like this.”

“The woman’s name is Anna Winthrop, nee Salvo. According to the records, they had a daughter who would’ve been about six or seven when the husband died. He committed suicide, or so they say, but apparently, there were a lot of people who didn’t believe it at the time. As for the daughter, the kid seems to have dropped off the face of the earth after that. She was still alive; some people had seen her, but within a year, she was gone, and it was a while since anyone saw or heard from her.”

“What was her name, the daughter?”

“Uh, let me check my notes; we were going to do some digging on that tomorrow so that I could give you everything. Uh, here it is, Kynlee Winthrop; if she’s alive, she’d be twenty-seven this year. So far, we have nothing on her, no photos, no school records, nothing past the age of five.”

The name didn’t sound familiar at all, but what did any of this have to do with my wife? I have to stop tripping myself up like this. If I keep thinking of her like that, it will only be a matter of time before I stupidly open myself up and let her back in. “Keep digging; let me know what you find

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