Dare To Love Again - Jordan Silver Page 0,42

my kid has any skin left on his cheeks as often as the two of them pinched them.

“You can leave anytime you want; the door is right there.” I didn’t wait around to see how she took that. How dare she complain? She’s lucky I’ve let her stay here this long. “Give him to me. He needs a bath and then bed.” She tried to take the baby away from me but I resisted, holding him out of her reach.

“I can do it; it’s about time I learned.” I gave her a good glare to let her know that it was never far from my thoughts, whose fault it was that I never had the privilege. Her shoulders drooped at the reminder but not before I saw a little spark of something in her eyes. I wish she would say something to me, give me the excuse I so badly need to go off on her.

This mix of confusing emotions was getting to me, and I felt like I was about to crawl out of my skin. One minute I wanted to strangle her, and the next, my mind kept trying to make sense of everything I’d learned today. That reminded me of the ultimatum I’d given her earlier. Yes, tomorrow, I will know for sure one way or the other. If she doesn’t give me what I want, I won’t go back on my word. I will most definitely kick her ass out of my house without my son, of course.

I got distracted with Calen Jr. and his bath, my heart full to bursting each time I looked at his precious little grin as he played with the bubbles. No matter what she is or what else she’s done, I can’t ever forget that she is his mother, that she’d essentially given me the greatest gift in the world. Was that enough to assuage my hate and anger? I don’t know.

A day ago, I would’ve said no, but now I’m straddling some imaginary fence in my head. I’ve never played the fool for anyone before and wasn’t too jazzed about starting now, but between mom’s staunch belief in her and what little I’d learned from the PI, I think I’m beginning to falter, hard.

She entered the nursery after giving me time alone with my son, to bathe and get him dressed for bed. We sat in the rocker by the window as he drifted off to the sound of my voice reading him a bedtime story.

I’m not sure she knew that I was still there when she came to tell him goodnight, but when I looked up from his crib after putting him down, she was standing there in the doorway looking unsure of herself; for some reason, that look did something dangerous to me. It’s that same look that used to bring out the protector in me. And maybe that’s why I turned away from our sleeping son and walked over to her.

I stood in front of her for a good two minutes, not saying a word while she stared down at the floor. “Come!” I took her hand and led her down the hallway, past her room, and onto mine. If nothing else, I can still enjoy fucking her; why not? She owes me.


I shouldn’t enjoy so much his use of my body, but I’m powerless to stop him. There’s so much that needs doing between us, so much unresolved, and yet I’m selfish enough to take what little attention he gives me and run with it. For two years, I’d shut off all emotion except the love I bore my son, but now in these last few days, it’s as if the floodgates have opened up, and I can’t get enough of Calen. Even when he’s being mean to me, my poor love-starved heart succumbs still.

There were no words spoken between us as he led me to his bed. Nothing said when he undressed me and then himself. My knees were already shaking when he pushed me back against the bed and spread my legs open. “You’re wet!” My face became inflamed as he looked down at me spread open wide for his pleasure, and when he swiped a finger through my wet heat, my eyes crossed.

I bit into my lip so as not to give myself away, but it doesn’t take much for him to get my engine revving. It never did. I was able to hold back my moans for all of five seconds,

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