Dare To Love Again - Jordan Silver Page 0,12

baby in my arms to my ex and back, and I could see the tears starting to gather in her eyes. If she makes my mom cry, her punishment is going to be ten times worst.

I steeled myself against mom’s tears and ushered her into the house. “Mom, let’s go inside.”

“But…I don’t understand, what’s going on?”

“I’ll explain once we get inside.” She hurried up the stairs ahead of me but not before rubbing my baby’s hair. I looked back ferociously at the traitorous bitch and almost ordered her to stay the fuck out of my house.

She must’ve got the message because she took one look at my face and took a few steps back. But then her eyes landed on our son, and she seemed to square her shoulders both literally and metaphorically. Good, I want her to think she can fight me, that she stands any kind of chance against me, and my wrath.

It’ll make destroying her all the better. I wasn’t looking forward to devouring the timid little mouse she pretended to bee when we first met. But the bitch who’d walked out on me and stole my son? Her I can put a few dents in no problem.

Mom’s excitement was now tempered with upset, and I took her to another room with my son, leaving his mother alone in the living room as I hurried to give mom some answers. I’m not sure why I didn’t want her turning her anger on Giselle, but I figure it’s because I’m the only one who has that right. I’m the one she’d wronged after all, and no one else was allowed to say or do anything to her but me.

I expected mom to be angry and was ready to assure her that I was going to make my ex pay, but although she looked pissed and worried, the next words out of her mouth were not what I expected or hoped to hear. “I told you, you should’ve gone after her from the start.”


“Son, listen to me. I know you’re stubborn as an ox, you get that from your father, and I know you haven’t listened to me since you were about six or seven, but please hear me out now.” I didn’t look very interested, so she changed tactics. “Okay, let’s try this. The account you opened for her when you got married and never closed after the divorce, has she ever touched it?”

“No!” I still don’t know why that is, but I’m sure the reason isn’t as noble as mom seems to think.

“All the expensive jewelry, all the designer clothes down to the shoes and bags, didn’t you say that she left them all behind?”

“Yes, so? She left me, and now it’s even worst. She had my fucking son and kept him away from me. Sorry!” I apologized for swearing since she was giving me one of her disapproving looks. Like she doesn’t light into dad like a sailor when he pisses her off.

“I’m telling you, something happened to her. That girl was too in love with you. I’m a mother. I know these things. There wasn’t a day after you first brought her home to us that I wasn’t one hundred percent sure of that. Now, what do you plan to do about my grandson and his mother? Come here, baby, come to nana.”

She reached for my son, and he went while looking back at me. I smiled to let him know that it was okay and wondered if all men felt this bond with their seed right away like I did. I wondered too about the ease with which the baby had accepted me and whether or not that was normal, and then my mind went to the reason why he might be so at ease with a strange man. If I find out she’s had someone else playing father to my son, I’ll bury her ass somewhere they’d never find her. Not for another thousand years.

“Uh-oh, I don’t like that look on your face. Just what is it that you’re planning?” I was so caught up in my new spate of anger that I spoke without thinking. “I’m going to take him away from her and throw her out on the streets. She’s never going to see him again. And before you ask, when he’s old enough to wonder about the bitch who gave birth to him, I’m going to tell him that she’s dead.”

“CALEN!” Mom looked horrified, and I was too upset to

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