Dangerous Stranger - Piper Stone Page 0,68

area surrounding the house. When I approached the building, I remained low to the ground as I checked into the windows. Funny how I didn’t see you inside,” she snorted before continuing. “The truth is, if you did trust me enough to provide me with a weapon from the SIG Sauer that you carry to a Beretta 9mm, I would not only know how to use it, you would find that I am a crack shot, and can hit a target in all the deadly places. Wanna try me?”

I lifted a single eyebrow as I tipped my head. Not only did my cock ache for the woman, but the level of respect I had went up several notches. “Curiously enough, I believe you.”

She shook her head. “Well, isn’t that just fabulous? And I fully realize that you won’t be able to trust me with a weapon since in your mind, I might be working for this great enemy of yours. I also might be the assassin hired to take you out. Isn’t that the case? Every man has a weakness, Rafael, even you. You simply hadn’t been prepared for the intense feelings that my appearance has caused. Perhaps Calleja knows you better than you think he does.”

While I knew she was goading me, her idea was ironically on track. Alviro would use whatever weakness he believed I had, including the fact my family meant everything to me. He’d seen that after Javier’s death, certain behavior I’d displayed likely noticed. “Perhaps you are right. I believe I can trust you, Savannah, although there is no need for you to have a weapon of your own at this time.”

“Trusting me could be the nail in your coffin.”

I gripped her jaw and cheek, bringing her closer. “How do you know so much about the life of a criminal?”

She laughed, her eyes dancing. “My stepfather was a cop, one brutal bastard who never played by the rules. One thing the swine did manage was to teach me a few things about surveillance, weapons, and the criminal mind. I never forget details, although I certainly wasn’t able to use any of my... skills during my near attack on that dirty, rat-infested street. At least I knew the asshole had a blade in his hand.”

“Now, you have me curious. How did you know that?”

“Let’s just say I’ve heard the sound of a blade being dragged across brick more than once.”

A slight smile crossed my face from her exasperation. When a haunted look crossed hers, I knew her expression was from whatever she’d endured, not some training she’d received from her stepfather. “Most women would have fallen prey within two minutes. The fact you were instantly aware you were being followed bought you a few minutes.”

She huffed once again, looking away. “Is there a bathroom in this place? I feel extraordinarily filthy.”

“Down the hall you will find everything you need including a change of clothes.”

Her eyes flashed before she nodded and headed in the direction of the bathroom. She stopped short, shooting a glance over her shoulder. “You don’t have to watch me. I’m not going to try and get away. I’m well aware that you have a top-notch security system, although I assure you, it can be eradicated by the right person. I might be confused, pissed off, and terrified of what you will do, but I’m not stupid. I have no idea where I am and certainly have nowhere to go.”

Few women surprised me and this one did. I admired her tenacity and will to fight. I only wondered what other skills she might possess and how she was going to utilize them. That was for another conversation.

I moved into the communications room, closing the door behind me. The small space had been set up as a comprehensive office with secure computer equipment allowing contact to anywhere in the world if necessary. At this point, I wanted to know exactly what was happening on the front lines as well as what Jorge had found out about Savannah’s background.

In order to try to get one step ahead of the asshole, the information was more vital than ever.

“Are you freaking safe, boss?” Jorge asked after answering on the first ring.

“For the moment.”

“The damn word on the street isn’t good. Seems like the Los Charlines are planning some serious shit. The shipments are locked down, but our suppliers are getting antsy.”

“You can remind them exactly who they are doing business with and if they don’t like the terms

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