Dangerous Stranger - Piper Stone Page 0,42

was a Spanish holiday, which meant the streets of the city were as close to being deserted as I’d seen. If I had to guess, I’d say everyone had vacated to the beach on such a gorgeous freaking day. My thoughts drifted once again to Rafael. I could always hear the sounds of the surf. The setting was gorgeous, lush landscaping and an absolutely private beach. If only I could afford something so amazing one day.

Pipe dream, girl. Pipe dream.

The sound of the surf had been my lover all night, comforting me even when Rafael had curled up around me, his arms in a protective hold. I’d actually been surprised he’d wanted me to stay at his house overnight. In fact, he’d insisted, even making certain I had a warm robe to wear, a bottle of wine at my disposal while he’d indulged in scotch.

I’d fallen asleep in his arms, only to awaken alone. I’d also noticed the gun on the nightstand, even running my fingers over the barrel. Whatever world he was living in, a weapon seemed to be his lifeline.

I knew all about brutality, the kind that seemed innate with some people, enough so they enjoyed terrorizing others. I wanted no part of that life any longer.

Seeing him alone on the beach had been disturbing for reasons I hadn’t been able to ascertain. I’d stood there basking in the morning light, watching the sun sliding up from the depths of the water. The strings of color had been magical, hopeful. I’d realized just how damaged he was by watching him. Such solitude. So very much alone. Whatever monsters were lurking in his mind had a tight grip, claws stretching to reach his throat.

At least he’d dropped the armor for a little while, the time spent pretending to be a couple amazing, the shower something else entirely. I shifted again, almost savoring the discomfort I felt on my backside. The man knew how to give a spanking.

For a bad little girl.

I could almost hear his voice as he’d told me just how disobedient I’d been.

I bit my lip as the memories rushed in, the almost desperate need he’d had, the desire to consume me as if he’d never see me again. Perhaps that’s exactly what had happened. I shouldn’t be sad, but a part of me wanted to break through the steel so firmly encased around his body. A man like Rafael would never allow anyone to catch a glimpse of his vulnerability.

Everything after that had been pleasant. Civil. Strained. He hadn’t bothered to ask me where I lived, merely dropping me off on the corner near the café. The silent drive had left me sick to my stomach and I half expected he would pull out money, thanking me for an okay time. I laughed softly to myself as I rubbed my eyes, ready to go ahead and lock the door twenty minutes early.

“I would love to see you again, Savannah. Perhaps when I return to town, you would consider going to dinner with me.”

The words had been completely startling, throwing out all the anger that I’d bottled up for the man. What was worse? I’d told him how much I would enjoy that. Then he’d brushed his knuckle over my cheek in such a loving and tender manner, his eyes searching my soul as if fearful I’d never see him again.

Only after he’d driven away had I realized that he had no legitimate way of getting in touch with me. Although I had the distinct feeling that the predator would hunt me down. I wasn’t certain whether to be excited at the prospect or terrified.

I walked toward the back of the store, preparing to turn off the lights when I heard the tinkle of the bell over the door. A wash of crazy desire swept through me given the scent that preceded the customer. The musky and exotic fragrance was exactly what Rafael had worn. Butterflies filtered into my stomach, twisting and turning from both a hint of excitement as well as a full round of anxiety. The man wasn’t good for me on several levels.

I plastered on a smile as I turned around, curious as to the man already studying a piece of art. He was younger than what few customers I’d spoken with, certainly dressed entirely differently than the usual tourist longing to make a find while on vacation.

“Puedo ayudarte?” The man was decidedly Spanish, his dark hair and complexion along with blacked-out sunglasses giving

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