Dangerous Stranger - Piper Stone Page 0,15

thighs. While I was drawn to his appearance, his voice was just as incredible, so deep that I had to strain to hear the vocals, even though I could understand only a few words.

“He’s pretty hot, eh?”

I hadn’t expected to see Angelica. Her ribbing created a wave of heat building from my neck to my cheeks. Thank God it was dark in the place or the embarrassment would be too much. As I shifted on the barstool, I noticed the mischievous look on her face. This was nothing more than a setup. I leaned over the bar, wagging my finger. “He’s not my type.”

“You Americans are all alike. Wine?”

“Merlot. Meaning?”

She grabbed a wineglass, coming close to slamming it on the surface before selecting a bottle of wine, pouring until several dark red strings slipped over the rim. I’d obviously purchased one too many bottles of wine from the café. “Meaning that you have no comprehension of fun.” She lifted a single eyebrow before sliding the glass in my direction.

“I’m fun. As a matter of fact, I’m one hell of a party girl,” I said, wrinkling my nose before laughing.

“Then you must learn the customs of Galicia. Enjoy yourself,” she insisted, raising her arms as she shifted toward the crowd, jazzing several of the men sitting at the bar. She pivoted her attention back in my direction, parking her elbows on top of the bar. “Seriously, Savannah. I understand why you are here but learn to have a little fun in doing so. Life is very short, you know.”

For the first time the light in her eyes seemed to dim, as if her past had been a difficult as mine. “True. Life is very short.”

Angelina sighed then almost immediately flashed her usual happy smile. “From what I know, he’s sin-gle.”

I sighed as she gave me a fake pouty look. “Okay, fine. Who is he anyway?”

“Rafael,” Angelica purred, elongating the syllables.

“I already know that. But who is he?”

“A star,” she huffed, pushing the wine in my direction and nodding toward the musician.

I gave her a stern look as I twirled my glass. “With no last name. Right? Just... Rafael. I can see his name in the lights on Broadway now.” She seemed confused, as if she’d never heard of Broadway.

“I don’t know him, but the owner of the café says he comes highly recommended. If you do not believe me, just watch. See how he ignites the crowd. He gave a preview when he asked for the job and blew the lunch crowd away. Sadly, he’s on the last set for the night. At least there’s tomorrow night.”

The woman was as infuriating as she was entertaining. Growling on purpose, I took my time before turning to face the singer. I was disgusted seeing the way several of the women seated closest were nearly crawling onto the stage. I envisioned one or more of them would remove their panties in a slow and provocative manner, winding the bright red or shameless purple lace thong around their index finger before tossing it in his direction.

Even their catcalls and whistles helped a lump form in my throat. I sat quietly as he strummed the guitar, his fingers moving rapidly over the frets. He was a brilliant musician, a master of the instrument and all done with such ease. His eyes were closed, his long eyelashes framing an aristocratic face, his strong jawbone suggestive of Greek god mythology. Even the shadow of the two- or three-day stubble added to his rugged appearance.

I listened intently, immediately mesmerized by his talent. The melodic tune was fulfilling in every manner, causing a shimmer of vibrations dancing down my spine.

I found myself leaning forward, attempting to catch every nuance. When he lowered his head, taking a deep breath, the crowd went wild.

“Un soplo del sol,” he half whispered, the gravelly tone in his voice creating a wave of heat between my legs. His fingers seemed to be caressing the strings, gliding over them with such ease.

“A breath of sunshine,” Angelica purred in repeat of his comment, her face close enough I could feel her breath floating against my neck.

I shifted, re-crossing one leg over the other. I had no idea why the hell she was pushing me so hard with this man. She and I weren’t best buddies even though we talked on a daily basis. I was far too private as well as untrusting to share almost any aspect of my life.

“El aliento de mi vida,” he continued. His

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