A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,82

a brow that only I could see. Women of the ton could be rather impracticable and demanding. They wanted what they wanted, and when they wanted it. Even if it did look hideous. Really, it was rather admirable. If only all women had enough money to be that demanding.

“I shall leave you in Ginny’s capable hands for measurements, while I gather some samples in the back. Lovely samples just in from Paris.”

Another lie. We hadn’t received a new shipment in months, or so Mrs. Lamier had said only yesterday, and they’d been from right here in good ole London. But at the sound of Paris, the young woman’s eyes flashed with greed. Miss Lamier could lie with the best of them. She was ten times cleverer than any man I’d ever known.

“Oh yes!” She clasped her gloved hands tightly together. “I’d so dearly love to show them to my fiancé.”

Miss Lamier swept into the back, leaving us alone. These women were all the same. They did not dress for their own pleasures, they wanted the best so that they could be seen, admired. Most of all…envied. “I’ll just take some quick measurements. Once you pick your fabric and design, we’ll do something more detailed.”

She glanced around the sitting room. “In here?”

I hid my grin. She acted as if I’d asked her to undress in front of the windows. “We have no other appointments. You are quite alone.”

She reluctantly lifted her arms as I measured her bust. It was as I wrapped the tape measurer around her waist that I could feel her light blue eyes watching me. She studied me like a starving child studied the window of a bakery shop. I shifted, growing uncomfortable. What did she see? I’d managed to part my hair and slick it back into a knot. Although my body might be shapelier than was the fashion, I wore a very respectable dark blue gown with a prim neckline. Did she see through my ruse to the girl from the slums?

“Do I know you?” she finally asked. “I’m sure we’ve met.”

A chill worked its way down my spine. Shite. Had she seen me working for the Landcaster estate? Or worse…was she at that ball I’d attended with Gabe? It had been near a year. Surely she didn’t remember.

“I don’t believe so,” I mumbled, keeping my head down. Damnation. Why would I forever be reminded of the mistake I’d made in trusting Gabe?

“Of course, how silly of me.” She laughed, a shrill, trilling sound. At least there was one thing that wasn’t perfect. Her giggle would grate even the most patient person. “It’s not as if we’ve crossed circles.”

I knelt on the floor, measuring the length to her dainty, slim ankles. I doubted her legs would swell when she was pregnant. They wouldn’t dare. “No. Of course not.”

I’d known that taking this position was a bad idea. Only ten months had gone by. That wasn’t enough time to fade into obscurity. Especially after the scene I’d caused that last night with Gabe.

“If you can believe it, an actress, of all people recommended Miss Lamier. And she insisted I bring my fiancé. Not that I often socialize with actresses. I thought she silly, but she’d heard from her maid that the Queen’s cousin, of all people…”

I ignored her as she continued. The woman liked to talk. Finally finished, I stood. “There, all done, my lady.”

“Lady Chambers soon,” she giggled again.

I jerked my gaze toward her. No. Surely, I’d misheard. My heart hammered madly in my chest. “How lucky you are.”

“Indeed.” She patted her chignon, pressing a pin farther into her hair. “He’s the catch of the season, I tell you. His mother is so eager for him to marry, that I barely had to work at all to get an agreement.”

No. It couldn’t be Gabe. I tucked my measuring tape into my pocket, hoping she wouldn’t notice the tremble of my hands.

“Mother and Father are thrilled. All my friends are so very envious.”

“I’m sure they are,” I murmured. No, it wasn’t Gabe. “Could you undo the first few buttons so I can get your neck?”

She flushed as if I’d asked her to strip naked and run down the road for all to see. “Very well.”

How ridiculously prudish these silly women were. “He must be a magnificent man.”

“Very.” She nodded enthusiastically, her blonde curls bouncing. The few pearl buttons popped open, revealing her pale throat. “An old, distinguished title. And he’s so very handsome.” She sighed, looking dreamily

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