A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,78

made me want to punch him. “Wondered where you’d gone off to.” His gaze landed on Miranda and he quirked a brow. “Ah, I see. Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul.”

Miranda blushed, looking all too pleased. She would have loved for him to spread the gossip. “If you’ll excuse me,” she slid her arm from mine, “I’d like to speak with your mother.”

She moved across the ballroom. No doubt they were coming up with more nefarious plans to control England.

“She’s taken, Landcaster,” Marks said, joining our group. “Eyes off.”

I tore my gaze from Miranda. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one watching her. I felt no jealousy. Hell, part of me wanted to turn her Landcaster’s way and tell him he had my blessing. Be free of this mess once and for all.

“No worries.” Landcaster leaned closer. “I’ve got my eye on a pretty little maid.”

My gaze narrowed. Ginny’s friend still worked at the Landcaster estate. A sweet girl with wild, red hair, she certainly drew attention when she walked into a room. I wasn’t sure why I should care if Landcaster wanted her, but I did.

Marks’ brows lifted. “I thought your mother forbid dallying with the servants.”

“What mother doesn’t know…”

My irritation grew. I could hardly reprimand him. Hadn’t I seduced Ginny? Or maybe she had seduced me. I still wasn’t quite sure who had been in charge. I grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing tray and drank deeply.

“I say,” Landcaster interrupted. “Who is that chap?”

Marks frowned, his gaze pinned to the stairs. “Seems familiar, although I can’t place him.”

I took another deep drink. At times I felt as if I’d go mad at these gatherings. The overly scented bodies. The push of the crowds. The heat. The gossip and judgement.

And then there was that little voice in the back of my mind that told me it didn’t have to be this way. I could give it all up, sail to the continent, become a new man, or maybe the man I was supposed to be all along.

“Was he invited? Seems a bit rough around the edges,” Landcaster muttered, as if offended. “Yes, it’s obvious he has money, but there’s no elegance to his step. How peculiar.”

Who the hell were they talking about? A sudden commotion swept through the crowd. Someone important had arrived. I could feel it in the air, the very energy that vibrated around us.

“Who is that man?” Landcaster asked again, his gaze pinned to the steps. “Certainly not a peer.”

“We’ll find out soon enough,” Marks muttered. “For seems as if he’s looking to speak to you, Chambers.”

I stiffened, my gaze swinging toward the steps.

It had been nine months since I’d seen her. She haunted my dreams at night. Invaded my thoughts during the day. I did not need a reminder of her here and now, yet, there he stood. He hadn’t been invited. Didn’t belong here. Yet, the moment our gazes clashed, he swept down the stairs, a woman on his arm, as if it was his right to invade my home.

I handed my champagne glass to a passing servant. My hands curled. The closer he got the tighter my fists became. I didn’t care who watched. I didn’t care what sort of scene we caused, I only knew I wanted to hurt the man. He knew where Ginny was, I had no doubt.

“Why, Mr. McKinnon,” I snapped. “I don’t believe I remember sending you an invite.”

Those cold eyes landed on me. The beautiful woman who stood at his side watched it all with an amused quirk of her lips, enjoying the drama. She seemed familiar. An actress of some sort. It didn’t matter. Only he mattered.

“Lord Chambers, I hear salutations are in order. You’re engaged.”

I didn’t know why it bothered me that this man knew of my affairs, but it did. I wasn’t even sure why I despised him, but I did. “Apparently.”

Without doubt, I knew neither my mother nor my father had invited him, which meant he was here for me. What was his agenda? By the determined glint in his eyes, I knew he had no qualms about calling me out in public for all to hear.

Two footmen hovered behind him, waiting for my command. I gave a quick shake of my head. They fell back. “What can I do for you, McKinnon? Or are you here to enjoy the dancing? The champagne?”

Miranda returned to my side, most likely to spy for my mother. Of course. She slid her arms through

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