A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,74

His world. His kingdom. He could have lived anywhere, but instead he stayed near the slums. I could see his clenched jaw in the profile of his face, see the strain of tension in his shoulders. What had upset him?

“It’s only been a week. Surely you’re not ready to work again.”

Bemused, I hesitated for a moment. I’d assumed he’d called me down here to toss me out, not worry about my welfare. It felt odd being here in his office that overlooked the factory. Odd and…wrong. I knew what his maids were whispering, and I knew by now it had probably reached the factory floor. I had to leave, and soon, before what little reputation I’d retained was damaged beyond repair. Did he not understand?

“I know women who have worked the day after giving birth, sir. We cannot afford not to work.”

The silence was thick between us. What did he want from me? What was this about? His back was still to me, and the desk between us. But the large piece of furniture provided a weak barrier. I could feel the power radiating from him. Twenty-five? Twenty-six? He seemed so much older.

“I want you to live with me.”

“I’m sorry?”

“I want you to live with me.”

“As a maid, Sir?” I asked.


Finally, he turned to face me. The steely look in his eyes hit me hard. A dreadful sinking sensation pulled down on me, made me feel dirty and wrong. I wasn’t sure if I should be surprised, resigned, or disappointed. Probably all. I sank into my chair once more. I should have known. “As your mistress.”

Apparently, I was to be seen as a mistress to every man I encountered. I was not worth marrying, only worth warming a bed. My anger and annoyance flared. Could a man not do a good deed without expecting something in return?

“While I appreciate your kindness…I can’t.”

He was so still that I wondered if he’d heard me. “Am I so hideous?”

“No,” I rushed out. Was he serious? Of course he knew he was handsome. More than handsome. Stunning, really. “I…I won’t belong to any man.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. Damnation, but he wore the same look of confused exasperation I’d seen on Gabe’s features when he’d asked me to become his mistress. Lord, but men were arrogant bastards, and frankly I was done with the lot of them.

“As a mistress you’re free to come and go as you please.”

I resisted the urge to sigh. “So I’ve heard. However, I have a child to think about.”

“I am thinking about your baby.” He raked his hands through his hair in obvious frustration. “Do you truly believe you won’t be shunned for having a bastard child?”

“Don’t call her that!”

“It is the truth, Ginny.”

My own frustration mounted. “I don’t like you that way. I’m sorry. I don’t know why, but I don’t.”

“But you like Lord Chambers that way?”

His words, although softly spoken, were like a slap. How had he known about Gabe? A sense of dread settled over me. If he told Gabe the truth, would Gabe merely shrug and go about his business? Or would he try to take Isabelle from me? “That is none of your concern.”

A muscle in his jaw jumped. “So, you did like him enough? Or did he force you?”

“He did not,” I whispered. I would not lie. How could I ever explain my attraction to Gabe? I couldn’t. It was ridiculous. As mysterious as the heavens. As frustrating as this conversation.

“Are you in love with him?”

I released a harsh laugh. “No. I hate the man.”

“Hate.” He sank into the chair behind his desk. Those stern lips quirked in what could only be a smile. I’d never seen him smile. “Not indifference.”

“What does it matter?”

“Hate is the opposite of love.” He drummed his fingers upon his desktop, as if impatient. “They are connected. They can change from one to the other in a blink of the eye.”

“I don’t believe that. True love does not know hate.”

“And what do you know of true love?”

It was my turn to smile. “Every woman who has ever taken care of a child knows true love.”

“Touché.” His gaze focused on me. I had to resist the urge to shift in my chair. “I offer to take care of you, Miss Smith.”

“You offer the same thing he offered,” I snapped, tired of this line of conversation. “To use me, then discard me. I will not fall for it again.”

“I see.” His hands uncurled. “You want more. You want

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