A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,17

factory? Hundreds? Yet, he seemed to know you very well.”

I shifted, uneasy. “What are you implying?”

Before he had a chance to answer, the carriage slowed. I glanced outside. These were not the opulent homes where I worked. Shops and townhomes pressed tightly side by side. Still a pleasant enough area, but not where I was supposed to be headed. Where had he taken me? Outside the streets teemed with men and women dressed in fine clothing, servants trailing behind, their arms laden with boxes and packages. I noted even a pickpocket or two amongst the crowds.

“Where are we?” I demanded.

He leaned back in his seat, his face covered by shadows. “I merely need to make a stop before your return home.”



I cupped her elbow as I opened the door of the sweet shop, and led her inside. The scent of chocolate, caramel, and sugar assaulted us, reminding me of brighter days when our governess would sneak us a treat. Until Mother found out.

“Where are we?” Ginny hissed.

So suspicious. She didn’t seem to know what to think of me or my actions. I almost smiled. I liked keeping her on her toes. She needed to understand who was in charge here, who was going to win this battle of wills.

“Where are we going?” she whispered.

“Keep quiet, or I’ll make a scene.”

That shut her up. We paused in front of the glass counter. Another couple stood nearby, deciding on a box of treats, but seeing me, the owner immediately bustled toward us. I’d been here before. I had a special fondness for chocolate.

“My lord Chambers, can I assist you?”

“A variety box.”

He smiled, his gaze flittering to Ginny. I knew what he was thinking: Ginny was my mistress. Good. The man liked to gossip. “Yes, my lord.”

She blushed, looking highly uncomfortable. I didn’t miss the way the couple beside us shot each other knowing glances. The look of condemnation upon their features irritated me. Yet, it was something we would have to get used to. She was a servant, a young woman alone with a man. Once I had her ensconced in her own quarters, she wouldn’t mind. It would be worth it.

“Here you are, my lord.”

I took the box, dropped some coins in the man’s hands and cupped her elbow. The streets were full. I nodded at Lord Welling. Smiled at Lady Wenter who watched me with mouth agape. Mother would know by tonight that I’d been roaming the streets with a servant girl. Let her chew on that. Miranda by tomorrow. Of course, there was the distinct possibility that Miranda wouldn’t care, and would have me anyway.

“Why did you take me in there?” she whispered. “Did you mean to humiliate me?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” I helped her into the carriage, my hands lingering a little too long at her waist. “Not everything is about you. I merely like to indulge in a treat once in a while.”

“Really?” We settled in our seats and the carriage took off. “Let me help you understand, my lord. You and I…”

I lifted the lid of the box. The scent of chocolate peppered the air. Her greedy gaze went to the chocolates.


She cleared her throat. “When a young woman is escorted about town by a young man…”

I picked up a piece of chocolate and leaned forward.

She froze. “What…”

I shoved the chocolate between her lips. “Chew.”

Glaring, she bit down. Her eyes went wide. A startled look of pleasure crossed her features. Slowly, she chewed, savoring every ingredient, the flavor. I saw the moment when her mind registered the sweetness. The moment her gaze went from shock, to confusion, to pure delight. Her lashes drifted down, a moan escaping her mouth. Blood surged to my cock. My trousers grew tight. Hell, but I wanted to know what her face would look like when I showed her other pleasures.

A small flake of chocolate rested against her bottom lip. Unable to resist temptation, I tore off my glove, leaned forward and brushed my thumb across the plumpness. So damn soft. My body went rock-hard. I wanted to nibble on that lip. Kiss her, taste that chocolate on her tongue.

Her eyes opened.

I forced myself to lean back and uncurl my fingers. “Have you had chocolates before?”

Bewildered, she shook her head.

I quirked a brow. I’d never been so interested in another person’s pleasure. I’d known women who had reacted with less enthusiasm when given a diamond necklace. There was no doubt, Ginny intrigued me. She was a juxtaposition of innocence and experience. “And?”


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