A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,156

the body. The stab wound had been in his gut, the gun shot to his shoulder, but that didn’t mean they had been fatal. I felt ill and furious all at once. Ginny would be terrified, and Alice was right, it wouldn’t be good for the baby. “You believe he will come after Ginny.”

She gave me a tight smile. “No. Actually. Somehow, in some way, he figured out who was responsible for his sudden disappearance, and he is going after that person. I merely wanted to warn you so you could be on guard.”

Until that man was dead, his body rotting in the earth, I would never rest easy. “And who is responsible?”

She hesitated. “Me.”

The shock was immediate. “You? How?”

She shrugged. “I knew what he had done, and I knew he needed to be gone. Money, it seems, can do quite a bit of good.”

“But, you must have been a child.”

“Old enough to know that with the right coins, I could hire anyone to do anything.”

I shook my head. “I don’t understand.”

She played with the satin trim on her blue cloak. “Oliver, James, Rafe, William, and Ginny, were the only family I had for a few years. I would have, and still will, do anything for them.”

“And so you paid someone to abduct him?”

She nodded. “I only regret not having him killed.”

“Don’t we all,” I muttered, leaning back in my chair. “Do any of them know?”

“Oliver does.” She reached out and rested her hand on my sleeve. “I’m telling you this merely to warn you, but the situation is not your problem.”

“Isn’t it?”

She shook her head. “No. I’ll take care of him.” She stood. “And this time, I will make sure he’s gone for good.”

I stood, staring hard at the woman. Honest to God, I didn’t know whether to shake sense into her, or clap her heartily upon the back and wish her luck. There were many things she wasn’t telling me. How much did Oliver know, and who was the real Lady Alice?

“Now, you have a family, Gabe, who wants to enjoy Christmas. So, enjoy it well. I will take care of the mess that I’ve created.”

I wanted to argue, but I could hear the front door open, and Ginny’s happy chatter filled the house as she swept into the foyer. Without her, the house was dull, lifeless. Hell, I was dull, lifeless. She had her school, and I had my shipping investments to keep us busy, but we made sure to spend the better part of the day together, every day.

“Will you be safe?”

“Of course.” She tugged on her gloves. “You don’t realize how many enemies I have, Gabe. What’s one more?”

That didn’t exactly reassure me. I knew she was friend with Lillian. Did my sister-in-law have any idea? Did William? “As much as I don’t want to, I will have to tell Ginny.”

She sighed. “I understand.”

“Alice!” Ginny cried out in delight as she appeared in the doorway. “How lovely to see you! Will you stay for dinner?”

“Oh no. I’m sorry, my dear. I’m off to see Lillian and her little brats. But I will see you tomorrow.”


She kissed Ginny’s cheek, then fled. I needed to tell her, and I would. But not today. Not even tomorrow. Today and tomorrow, we would enjoy our first Christmas as a married couple. Ginny headed straight toward me and threw her arms around my neck. When her mouth met mine, I reveled in that kiss. Hell, would the feeling ever fade? Each hour we spent together, every time we touched, my feelings only intensified, so that I wasn’t sure where her emotions started, and mine ended.

She pulled back, her cheeks flushed, her eyes sparkling with happiness. I could feel the slight roundness of her belly press against me, and I couldn’t help but drop my hand there. It was a boy. I was sure of it.

“Gabe, I had a visitor today at the school.”

I kissed her forehead. To hell with the festivities, I wanted to scoop her up in my arms and take her upstairs. “Did you?”

She stepped back, putting distance between us, and that’s when I noticed the excited gleam in her eyes. “My father.”

It certainly wasn’t the answer I’d been expecting. Hell, he’d received my letter. “And?”

“And he’s here.”

A man appeared in the doorway, a hesitant smile upon his face. I could tell he was nervous, unsure how he would be accepted. He’d actually arrived. I slid Ginny a glance, just to make sure she wasn’t annoyed with me.

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