A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,154

was right.

But in my opinion, the world needed more bluestockings.

I rested my hand on my belly, just round enough to know I was with child. “There are plans for a party and gifts Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. And of course, a lovely dinner each night.”

She clasped her hands excitedly. “Oh, how wonderful.”

“I’m here!” Violet rushed into the room with a crate of glass ornaments. “Julianna’s footman just delivered them!”

I’d been thrilled when Violet had given up her position with Lady Alice to live and be a teacher here. Not only was she helping the girls with their writing, but also French. It was a wonderful collection of girls and teachers. Everyone got along splendidly. For many, this represented the happy home they’d never had.

“The refreshments should be ready by five,” I said. “The decorating can start then.”

Violet slid her arm around my waist. “We can handle it, my dear. You need to go home and spend your first Christmas Eve married, as a family with your husband and Izzy.”

I grinned. “You will be coming by tomorrow, won’t you?”

“Of course!”

I knew Violet was happier than she’d been in years. However, I didn’t miss the wistful glances as she watched other couples interact. She wanted to be married, she wanted a family of her own.

I watched her closely. “All of my brothers will be there tomorrow, along with their wives and children.”

I was desperate to see her married to Oliver or Rafe. Yes, I’d seen her talking to both of them, but did she have any feelings? Or was she still dreaming about McKinnon?

“The more the merrier,” Violet said cheerfully.

I sighed. She had no interest in either Oliver or Rafe. It was so bloody obvious. Then again, Rafe was a known rake and Oliver was, well, Oliver.

She opened the crate. A variety of glass ornaments in a variety of colors were nestled in straw. They were extras that Jules had found languishing in the attic.

“I’ll check on cook and the turkey!” Franny said, skipping from the room. She was skinny as a splinter, but she could eat as much as any man I’d ever known. Then again, she’d spent most of her childhood starving.

Violet pulled out a glass star and hung it on the tree. “Do you remember in our garret room that night I told you about the Landcaster position?”

I nodded. How could I forget? That night changed my life forever. I picked up one of the ornaments and hung it on the tree. “I do.”

“Do you remember what I said?”

I hesitated, thinking back. “There was something about no fleas, that made up my mind.”

“I said,” she drawled out. “That one of us, at least you, should be able to attract a baron.”

I laughed, I couldn’t help myself. “So, it’s you I should be thanking.”

“Indeed. Just call it an early Christmas present.”

I frowned. “Does that mean you didn’t get me anything?”

“You mean, besides an entire family?”

“Oh dear, I will owe you for the rest of my life.”

“You can start by purchasing those white kid gloves I saw in town.”

I grinned. “Consider them yours.”

“My lady,” Rose peeked in through the door. She was thirteen, and helped in the office and went to school here. I’d found her as an orphan working on a farm where they’d treated her worse than they treated the animals they raised for slaughter. “There’s a man here to see you.”

“Why Violet, another one? You shouldn’t have!”

“No fair. If anyone should be introduced to a man, it should be me!”

I kissed her cheek. “You’ll find the perfect man yet. I have no doubt.”

She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Blast and damn, she was still dreaming about McKinnon. As far as I knew, they’d barely interacted. What was it about the dour man that held her so enthralled?

I headed out the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow and Happy Christmas!”

Although last year had seen the moors covered in snow, this year we’d only had a few flakes throughout the day. The children were desperate for a white Christmas. Most had never even been able to play in the snow, either because they were too busy working, or society didn’t allow girls such luxury.

“Miss Payne told me to tell you that the paperwork from the new teacher has arrived and is on your desk. She’s American, it seems.”

“Interesting. Will add some uniqueness to the place.”

“Also, I’m to tell you that she has a young daughter.”

“I don’t see why that should be a problem. Tell her I approve.”


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