A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,141

laugh. “As far as my family’s reputation… Ginny, my father is accused of killing my uncle, and I’m rather sure my mother killed my father.”


“Yes.” He started to unbutton his shirt in a no-nonsense manner. “Come. Enough of this. I told you before, that I love you. You need to get warm so you are healthy for our wedding.”

I sighed. “Gabe…”

“Shhh. No more talking until you’re in bed.”

He tugged the shirt from his broad shoulders. letting it drop to the floor. There was a tenderness to his gaze that I’d never seen before. I had always shirked from pity, but this felt different, in some way.

I lifted on tiptoe and pressed my mouth to his.

He remained still. Hardly breathed.

Slowly, I stepped back. Was he no longer attracted to me? “Please,” I whispered, searching his face. “Hold me.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me close, and pressed his face into my hair. “I’ve missed you.”

I started to unbutton his trousers, needing to touch him. Frantic to feel close to someone again. I was so damn tired of feeling alone. Why did Gabe make me feel special? Wanted? Why did I feel so comfortable with him? He tore off his vest, then the shirt.

My corset fell. Our hands collided on more than one occasion, but we were frantic to touch each other. He knelt, reaching under my shift, those strong hands skimming my legs and sending shivers of heat through my body. With deft fingers, he pulled down my drawers and stockings.

I felt dizzy with exhaustion and with need. When he stood, he did quick work of getting rid of the rest of his clothing. Lord, he was beautiful. Mountains and valleys of muscle, that golden hair that trailed down his chest and to his cock. He was attracted to me, that was obvious in the way his erection jutted out, so large and eager. I wanted to touch him…everywhere. I wanted to get lost in his body and forget everything for a while.

But it was as he reached for my shift, that he paused. “What’s this?” Gabe picked up the bit of cloth that had fallen to my feet. His startled gaze met mine. “Did this just fall from your corset? My cravat?”

I blushed. “I…I’ve had it a long while. Two years. You left it in my chamber when I was ill at your townhome.”

He was silent for a moment, searching my eyes, for what, I wasn’t sure. “And you kept it all this time?”

I could have lied. Denied it. But no more hiding. I wanted honesty and openness between us. “I did.” I rested my hand to my chest, where my heart beat sure and strong. “Tucked in my corset, pressed here.”

The cravat fluttered to the ground as he scooped me up and placed me gently upon the bed. I tugged off my shift as he slid under the covers and into the bed next to me. He felt like a bread oven. I cuddled close to him, curling my body into his. His heat wrapped around me, seeping into my skin, my bones.

Depleted, I gave up and closed my eyes. Outside, the wind battered the windows. Inside, the fire slowly warmed the room, the crack and pop of the wood the only sound. I knew we had much to talk about, but tonight, I only wanted to feel. Slowly, I slid my hand up his chest, resting my palm to his heart. His hand covered mine, holding it there.

“If he wasn’t dead, I’d kill him,” I whispered. “Not because he did anything to me. But because of those other girls. Who knows what he did to them.”

Gabe wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his side so that I was half atop him. It was, I realized, the first time we’d actually slept naked together, skin against skin, no clothing. It was heaven. Utter bliss. And I knew if I could have this every night, for the rest of my life, I’d be content.

“You don’t have to kill him. He’s gone. Rotting in hell, where he belongs.”

But it wasn’t a closed book. The past still lingered, threatening. Would the fear always be there? “He has a mother who still lives.”

His hand tightened around mine. “She can’t harm you. I won’t let her.”

Oh, but she could, and I had no doubt she would. “I saw a painting, Gabe. Of my stepmother. Jules and I were in the attic searching for Christmas decorations just last week. I came

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