A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,127

doesn’t care about.”

I stepped back; my hands balled at my sides. My heart raced so madly, I feared it would explode. While I stood there, desperate, angry, he merely sat watching me as if I was some object from a curiosity shop.

“You do rile easily.” He stood and faced the windows once more. “I lied. Really, do calm down. I’m rich as Croesus, and I would never force my sister to marry against her wishes. If she loves you, if she wants to marry you, you have my blessing. However, I will not give you a dowry. You’re on your own. As I said, you have a week to get her to fall in love with you. Good luck.”

My knees went weak. The relief I felt was immediate. Hell, when she accepted my offer, and I would not relent until she accepted, I would make sure I did everything in my power to give her the life she deserved. “Yes. I remember. A week. I will make sure I’m worthy.”

He lifted his hand and waved to a little girl. His daughter? She laughed; her face rosy from the weather. Lady Whitfield appeared outside, a fur-lined cloak around her shoulders. She grinned at Whitfield.

“You know, Chambers, I, too, once believed that I didn’t deserve a happily ever after. Perhaps I don’t. But I’m not stupid enough to ignore one when it’s offered.” He turned to face me. “This is your chance. Your one chance. Don’t fuck it up.”

I nodded.

The sound of feminine voices floated in from the foyer. Whitfield glanced at the door. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to spend time with my wife and children, playing in the snow. That’s right, I now do things like make snow angels, and I enjoy it. I do believe the others, including my sister, are going to look for mistletoe near the woods.” He headed toward the door. “Our butler is waiting for you in the foyer, with your coat.”

He disappeared. I glanced out the windows again. A little girl was toddling through the snow, a nanny running after her. My heart squeezed. I knew without doubt that little girl was Izzy, although I could barely see her under the many layers of clothing. She fell, and I stiffened. The nanny was there, scooping her up and holding her close. My shoulders relaxed.

I owed Whitfield. He’d had everything planned out before I’d even gotten out of bed, and I would forever be grateful. He’d done what he could. The rest was up to me. Determined, I moved into the foyer.

Ginny stood near the door with her sister-in-law, Lillian, and her brother William. A hunger rose within me that I knew only she could satisfy. She looked stunning in a green velvet cloak, her hair pinned up in braids that shimmered under the sunlight piercing the windows on either side of the door.

I paused for a brief moment, soaking her in. I could have stood there for eternity, merely watching her. My body went hot, hard as steel. I wanted to step up behind her and breathe in her scent. I wanted to scoop her up in my arms, and carry her upstairs.

Her brother was the first to spot me. His glare was less than welcoming, as if he knew the way of my thoughts. Perhaps he did. Mayhap my thoughts shone quite clearly in my besotted gaze. I took my coat from the butler and headed toward the small group. She sensed me even before I arrived; I could tell by the way she stiffened. So, she knew I’d stayed the night. Had she wanted to seek me out last night as I’d wanted to find her? Or had she stopped thinking about me months ago?

“Good morning,” I said. “A lovely day for a hike through the snow.”

Lillian smiled, the only one who even bothered to acknowledge my existence. “Yes, a fine day, if a bit chilly.”

William glared at me. “Lovely bruise.”

Gently, I touched the area under my eye. “Yes. Brings out the green in my eyes. You should see the bruises covering my ribs.” I glanced at Lillian and Ginny. “I do apologize for mentioning my body in front of impressionable, young ladies.”

Lillian hid her smile behind a gloved hand. Ginny rolled her eyes. At least I knew she was listening. So then, she planned to ignore my existence. I could work with that. Things could be much worse.

“Shall we?” Lillian said, sliding her arm through William’s.

They started out the door.

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