A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,124

about her, would they relent? Or would they only mock and dismiss me? I had to think of something, and fast. “I…I want a son.”

James hesitated. He knew what that meant. Ginny and I would have to be intimate, which repulsed and disturbed him on many levels. However, being the eldest, he also understood the importance of an heir.

“You won’t touch her,” William growled. “Or I’ll kill you myself.”

“You’ll be gentle,” James demanded at the same time. “And only touch her if she gives you permission.”

This caused confusion, a little shoving and arguing. I closed my eyes and sank back into the chair. I wasn’t sure how long they quarreled, but I was startled back into the room when Oliver shoved a glass into my hand.


I nodded my thanks and took a gulp. The liquid burned the cut in my mouth but warmed my belly. Lord, did I actually feel some sort of contentment here? The peaceful feeling could not be denied. Ginny and Izzy were here. What more did I need?

“How can you even think of letting him sleep with her?” William demanded.

“Enough!” I snapped, standing, despite the pain it caused. “She will give me an heir, and then she is welcome to do whatever the hell she wants. That is the deal.”

There was a moment’s pause. My gaze remained focused on James. He was the one in charge. He was the one who mattered. Where he went, the others would eventually follow.

“It’s a deal.”

“Congrats,” William snarled. “You just sold our sister.”

James didn’t respond, merely sat behind his desk, looking like the uncaring, cold lord. But I knew better. Being the heir apparent, I recognized him only too well. I could see something working within those eyes. He had a plan. He’d figured something out. I shifted, feeling uneasy.

William stomped from the room. Oliver and Rafe followed. The chamber went quiet, only the crackle of the fireplace interrupted the silence. James stared out onto the dark, snow-covered grounds, deep in thought.

I watched him closely. “Why?”

He stood and moved toward the sideboard. “Why did I agree?” I waited as he poured himself a drink and faced me. “Because I know how you think. We are not so dissimilar.”

I frowned, wondering what he was getting at.

He drank deeply. “Both first-born sons, both trying to appease fathers who can’t be appeased.”

I looked away. He knew about my lineage. What, exactly, did he know? It couldn’t be much, as he’d rarely entered society. Surely he didn’t read the gossip section of The Times.

He started toward me. “But mostly, I’m agreeing to this mess because I saw the way you looked at her when she entered the room.”

My jaw clenched. Instinctively, I wanted to deny such weakness. I wasn’t used to speaking about my emotions. But I knew I had to place everything on the table if I wanted to win Ginny. If I wanted to appease her family.

He paused before me. “I noticed your concern for her.”

I took another drink of my gin. My hands shook.

He saw it and smirked. “While we were pummeling you, you were worried she would get hurt.”


“So, you care. Admit it, tell her. You can have the life you want. Hide it, and you’ll both be miserable for the rest of your lives. Believe me, I know from experience.” He leaned back against his desk. “The choice is yours. Continue your father’s lineage of pain and suffering, or change. Have the life of happiness and contentment that we all deserve, but most are too weak to fight for.”

The man was truly on my side.

He placed his glass upon the desk. “You have seven days here to figure it all out.”

I stiffened. “You’re allowing me to stay? Here? With your family?”

He shrugged and glanced out the windows. “Most of the guests are local and have left. But I believe, by now, the roads are impassable. Don’t you?”

I gave a quick jerk of my head. “I do.”

“Good. We’re agreed.” He started toward the door. “I shall find a maid to gather your things. We will speak more tomorrow.” He paused on the threshold. “And by the by, Chambers, if you’re wondering, Evie was looking at you the same way you looked at her.”

He left the room.

Relieved, I sank back into my chair.

For the first time in a long, long while, I felt the makings of a smile.

Chapter Three


I’d barely slept last night, only to be called to Lord Whitfield’s office early in the morning. Knowing that Ginny was here, that

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