A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,107

nothing. I would say nothing.

“Unless…” My father’s eyes narrowed. “He’s not a bastard, is he?”

I didn’t dare respond.

His face went pale. “Good God, the boy is legitimate. Which means…”

I gave the man a grim smile. “That’s right. You’re not the heir, Father. Which means, I won’t be either. Your kingdom has collapsed.”

“All the work we’ve done. You’d do that to us?”


His hands fisted. “You selfish boy. I will kill you before I’ll let that happen.”

“I have no doubt you would.”

A sudden commotion at the door, drew our startled attention. Christopher walked slowly into the room. “I look like I’m interrupting.”

“No, perfect timing. See our parents escorted out of my house. I have somewhere to be.”

I moved through the foyer and outside. My trunk was being placed upon the back of the carriage, Alfred giving directions. How dare they threaten Ginny. How dare they threaten Tommy. I would send a note to the constable to have Tommy moved. “Is it secure?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“I need you to tell Constable Jones to move the boy, do you understand? Tell him to keep him with him until he hears from me.”

“Yes, my lord.”

The front door opened and Chris came running down the steps. “Gabe, wait!”

“Let me be, Chris. I don’t have time.”

“No, please…. it’s Father!”

I glanced at him. Chris was pale. His eyes wide, the shock blatant. I didn’t miss the way his hands trembled as he raked his hair back.




The wedding trousseau was beautiful.

Satins and silks, and pearls that glittered under the lamplight and had cost a small fortune. It was a trousseau for a princess. A trousseau for Gabe’s fiancé. And Miranda should be his fiancé. They belonged together. Two perfect, pale creatures of light and privilege.

They lived in a world where I would never belong. Another planet. Our planets would continue to pass each other, but we would not collide. And it didn’t upset me. Not really. For I knew the truth. I’d always known the truth. It was as it should be.

No. It didn’t bother me that they were to be married.

What bothered me was that he’d lied.

He’d said he was no longer engaged when he’d slept with me only yesterday.

He’d lied. And now I was left to wonder if I was once again with child. One illegitimate baby Miss Lamier could ignore. Two? She would be forced to throw me out, and I wouldn’t blame her. I had no one to blame but myself. It was my own fault for being so bloody stupid.

“My goodness, I look stunning!” Miranda squealed.

And she did. I could not hate her for it. Feeling ill, I tore my gaze from her lovely face. My heart thumped madly in my chest; it had not slowed since last night. I felt nauseous. Faint. How would I raise two children on my own? I couldn’t. I’d be forced to give them up. Unless…I used blackmail.

I glanced up at Miranda as she preened in front of the mirror while Miss Lamier fixed her skirts. Could I blackmail the woman? It was obvious she cared what society thought. I could use her weakness against her. I could threaten to tell the world about my relationship with Gabe. No doubt her parents would pay me off. And I would do it. I could. For my children.

“Oh, my lady, you look stunning,” Miss Lamier cooed.

Miranda preened.

Startled from my thoughts I forced myself to smile. “Yes. Beautiful.”

Since last night I’d been feeling strange. Not quite myself. Not connected to my body. It was as if someone had pushed me off balance and I’d never regained my footing. I was floating…bobbing in a sea during a storm, with no ability to swim. Drowning.

“Oh yes,” Miranda said. “The lace.”

“Will look wonderful,” Miss Lamier said.

Miranda continued to preen in front of the mirror. She noticed nothing amiss. But then I doubted she noticed anyone beneath her ever. She was saying something about the cut of the bodice, but I could barely understand. The entire world had faded.

I’d grown oddly numb.

The only good to have come out of our reunion, was that the man who had been spying on me was gone. Gabe must have sent him packing, as he’d gotten what he wanted. Which had been…what? Exactly? To sleep with me? He could have anyone. Why me? Was he truly so horrible that he only wanted to win at this game of ours? And he had won…once again. Men with power and money would always win. They didn’t care that in the process of

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