A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,9

glad you called me then.” Grant’s voice lowered. “I’ve been thinking about you—-”

The prince suddenly ended the call.

She stared at him incredulously. “Why did you do that?”

“Because I still have to make you come,” the prince answered simply, “and I don’t like wasting another second on that asshole.”

Even as she choked and laughed at his answer, the prince didn’t stop pulling her tightly against him. When their bodies pressed against each other, his hands left her waist, moving down—-

She stiffened when his hand reached for her body under her skirt.

Fawn started. “P-Prince—-”

“Ssh. Relax and just let yourself enjoy it.”

She closed her eyes.


But then his fingers went inside her panties.


The sensation was like no other, and a sob of shocked pleasure rushed out of her throat.

His fingers began to move over her folds, and as her flesh swelled under his touch, the prince said huskily, “Do you understand now?” His gaze claimed hers. “This is how I’ll take the pain away.” His fingers drifted up, circling the tiny quivering nub of pleasure. “This is how I keep you from ever getting hurt again.”

And slowly, the prince thrust one finger inside of her.


His finger began to move, pulling almost all the way out before sinking back deep.

Her throat tightened. Too fast, she thought dizzily even as her hips started to dance, wanting his finger deeper and deeper inside her. Things were moving too fast, and it wasn’t—-

“It’s not what you think, parthena mou,” the prince whispered. “I can see it in your eyes that you think things are going too fast, but it’s not. If it’s too fast,” the prince purred, “then surely you couldn’t be like this—-”

He pulled his finger away and lifted his hand up to let her see just how wet it was.

Fawn whimpered.

“Do you understand now? This is what we both wanted all those damn months,” the prince rasped. “This is what you withheld from me.” As he spoke, the prince slid two fingers inside her, and Fawn clutched his shoulders more tightly with a gasp.

“Your body...”

He began to thrust his fingers deeper and deeper into her, and she could only try to welcome him, her inner muscles contracting reflexively around him.

“—-which has been mine the first moment I laid my eyes on it.”

A third finger joined in, stretching her pussy to open wider, and she stared at the prince, torn between confusion and desire.

His lips curved in a heartlessly beautiful smile, and her breath caught.

“Tell me,” the prince said huskily. “How hard do you want me to fuck you with my fingers, parthena mou?”

The question made her turn rosy all over, and even though she wanted to look away and put as much distance between them—-

She couldn’t.

His gaze – his touch – imprisoned her, and sheer hunger for his touch bound Fawn to him in a way that even the strongest chains never could.

“How hard, Fawn?”

She closed her eyes.

His voice turned into a command. “Tell me.”

And somehow, she found herself obeying, choking out, “Hard. As hard as you—-aaah!” His fingers began pumping in and out of her, and Fawn’s world began to spin faster and faster.

Her nails raked his back. “Prince!” Hard. Fast. The way he was fucking her. The way things were spiraling out of her control.

But God, oh God, it felt so good—-

“Stop thinking, parthena mou, and just feel. Let me take away the pain, and you won’t ever be hurt again.” His other hand went under her skirt, and his fingers found her clit so easily it was like it had called out to him.

One finger pressed against her clit lightly, and her world spun even faster than it did while her hips began to move wildly.

“Surrender yourself to me,” the prince rasped. “Now.” He pinched her clit just as his fingers dove as deep as they could go into her pussy.

She came with a cry, and the world spun away from her, leaving her to shatter in his arms.

Her seduction, her destruction, her liberation...was complete.

He was her world now, and pain no longer existed.


The prince took over the way only the Prince of Darkness could, and she let him, mostly because he was right. If she allowed herself to question things, then she would start overthinking and hurting again.

And she didn’t want that.

They dined at an exclusive restaurant where there were no other people but them, and Fawn didn’t even bother asking why that was. The food was delicious, the prince solicitous. That was enough for her.

On the way back to his mansion,

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