A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,67

go, his own arms falling to his sides. “It’s too easy to be with you,” he heard her say unevenly, her back turned to him. “It’s too addictive, and I need to be with him to r-remember why I got into this in the f-first place.”

Spinning to face him, she raised pain-clouded eyes to his, and he sucked his breath in at the sight of it. “Fawn—-” And it was that moment he realized that he had nothing to say, nothing short of a lie that could comfort her.

Because she was right. She was doing the right thing, and in that aspect it turned out that she was the stronger one between them.

“I c-can’t let myself forget, prince. You understand, don’t you?” Her voice caught in the end.

“I do.” His fists clenched hard. “But it doesn’t mean you have to go this far, dammit. It’s almost like you’re—-” He managed to catch himself in time, but the strained smile on Fawn’s lips told him that she still knew what he had almost said.

“Prostituting myself for a man who cheated on me?” Her voice was painfully amused. “It does seem that way, doesn’t it?”

“If you know how it looks like,” the prince said tautly, “then why the fuck are you still doing it? Why fucking meet him every day?”

She answered tiredly, “I already told you why. If I don’t, I’ll end up being too clingy—-”

“Then fucking cling,” the prince heard himself roar.

And as soon as the words left him, they stared at each other, both of them stunned. But while Fawn’s shock was visible, the prince managed to keep his face inscrutable even as his mind reeled at what he had just said.

“Fuck this,” he muttered. “Go to him, leave, do whatever the fuck you want.”

And he had walked away, stalking into his study, and forced himself to watch Fawn drive away.

She had come home a few minutes past midnight and had screamed for dear life when he came out of the darkness in the living room.

“Oh my God, you frightened me—-mmph.” His fingers had slipped into her mouth as he brought her up against the wall, pushed the skirt of her dress up, and fucked her hard, his cock pounding into her nonstop until they came at the same time.

When they finally made it to bed, she had curled up against him, and he had only asked her one thing.

“Did you kiss him?”

Taking his hand, she placed it on her chest, and as he listened to her steady heartbeat, she whispered, “Never.”

That night had set a precedent, and although the prince and his fawn still got into heated arguments every time she would leave him for Bennett, both knew that when she returned, everything would be resolved in the best way possible—-

And sometimes, the prince mused, it was almost like she would go as far as provoking him over little things, just so they could have hot, furious make-up sex.

Just yesterday, she had neglected to keep her engagement ring out of sight and instead accompanied him in a double date in the guise of a business meeting with Derek and Jaike. Uncaring of the fact that their friends could easily hear him, he had told her to get rid of it and even though his cold tone had Fawn gulping, she had raised her chin, saying stubbornly that she had to maintain appearances since they were out in public.

“Fuck appearances,” he had gritted out, but instead of offending her, Fawn’s cheeks had turned a rosy shade and the way she suddenly squirmed in her seat told him that she was thinking of the kind of fucking that was usually preceded with fights.

And just like that, he had grabbed her wrist and pulled her up with him. “Excuse us for a moment,” he had muttered.

Jaike had been visibly worried at his abrupt decision to leave the table, but the way Derek smirked at him told the prince his friend knew exactly what was going to happen.

“W-where are we going?” Fawn had asked breathlessly.

“Anywhere I can fuck you without getting us arrested,” he had told her roughly, and she had not argued after that.

After bribing the restaurant manager to lend them their office and look the other way for a thousand dollars, the prince and his fawn had the most explosive ten minutes of their life, with the prince immediately fucking her against the wall and after, making each other come with their mouths as they did a 69.

Upon leaving the manager’s

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