A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,54

“Don’t you think I would have done the same thing for Lilac if I thought it would keep her safe?” When Reid didn’t answer, he said flatly, “Life doesn’t work out that way. Isolating yourself from everyone is never the answer—-”

“It is for me.” The prince’s smile was self-mocking. “I’m the Prince of Darkness, after all.”

And because he was, the prince was destined to live alone.

For as long as he wanted the people who mattered to stay alive—-

He had to live alone.

There was no other choice.

“I’m not arguing about that. You are the Prince of Darkness, but goddammit—-” Nick waited for his friend to meet his gaze. “You’re also Reid Chalkias. You’re both, Chalkias, and it’s because you’re both that you need her—-” Nick broke off when he saw Fawn on her way back.

Lilac and the prince followed his gaze, and Fawn stumbled, a frozen expression arrested on her face upon realizing that Nick and Lilac had company.

Nathan, seeing the same thing happen, walked to Fawn’s side and gently cupped her elbow, bowing his head to murmur something under his breath to Fawn.

A fucking tender sight, the prince thought harshly, and he despised every second of it.

Fawn and Nathan started to walk towards them.

“That’s what’s going to happen if you don’t accept what I’m saying is true,” Nick said under his breath. “So take what’s yours before it’s too late.”

Fawn and Nathan reached them as Nick finished speaking, and the prince gestured subtly to his bodyguards. Half were in uniform, the other half dressed incognito, and all of them moved about in seeming randomness, repositioning themselves without drawing the attention of the other guests.

Even though it was a by-invitation party, the prince wasn’t taking any chances. He didn’t want anyone he didn’t know eavesdropping on them and by the time his security had completed rearranged their positions, they had the prince and his companions surrounded, their privacy secured.

“Great party as always, Reid,” Nathan remarked.

The prince didn’t answer, his eyes trained on Fawn. “The two of you appear remarkably close,” he drawled.

Fawn had trouble holding on to her smile, much less speaking. Nathan had warned her about this earlier, but even so she couldn’t believe that this was all the prince had to say.

When Fawn still didn’t say a thing, Nathan picked up the conversation, murmuring, “It is remarkable, isn’t it? Especially when one considers my stance on privacy—-”

Nick rolled his eyes. “An understatement, Callis.” Among his friends, Nathan had always been the most secretive.

“But Fawn’s different,” Nathan finished with a hooded glance directed at Fawn. “She’s surprisingly easy to get along with.”

“Umm.” Fawn couldn’t stop herself from turning red even though she was quite sure she had just been insulted.

Glaring at Fawn’s pink cheeks, the prince bit out, “I’m glad to hear that.”

The former supermodel only smiled, and the sight of his famous dimples showing up had most of the female guests around them swooning. And then he glanced down at Fawn, his gaze meaningful.

Fawn gulped, remembering what the prince’s friend had told her earlier.

When she still didn’t do anything, Nathan bent his head, close enough for his mouth to almost touch her ear—-

Lilac gasped.

Nick raised a brow.

“Trust me,” Nathan whispered low enough for only Fawn to hear. “It will work.”

The prince was grinning so hard it was a wonder his jaw didn’t snap as he asked, “Keeping secrets from us?”

Fawn took a deep breath and slowly raised her gaze to the prince’s. “I h-have something to say, prince.”

“Don’t fucking bother,” the prince snarled, thinking – no, knowing that it could only be about Nathan. And to think he had worried about hurting her—-

For one moment she could only look at him incredulously, unable to believe he had said such words. But then the next moment, it made her so furious, and as rage turned her vision red, it also made her forget all about her inhibitions, her doubts, and worries.

She took a step towards him, chin up, and the prince was almost surprised into stepping back. “Well, I’ll still bother to say it,” she whispered furiously, “and you will listen.” Taking another deep breath, she said, “I came here with an ultimatum to myself.”

The prince only continued to look at her, not saying a thing.

“And that’s—-if you don’t keep your promise to me tonight, I’m going to give it to Nathan instead.”

This time, the prince did react. “What the fuck?”

“What promise?” Nick was asking curiously.

Fawn forced herself to say the words out loud. “My virginity.”

Lilac’s jaw dropped. “O-oh. W-wow.”


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