A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,51

in a still-gruff voice, “What time are you coming back tonight?”

Ah. The prince’s face became expressionless, and so did his voice as he answered, “I don’t think I’ll be able to come back tonight.”

Fawn shot up straight. “O-oh?”

“After the kidnap attempt on Keanne, the others and I have decided that it’s even more important now to make Davos think everything’s still normal. So I’m going to throw an impromptu party at the Aehrenthal Hotel tonight.”

The prince’s coldly dulcet tones played inside the car like a beautiful melody that she couldn’t escape, and his words like invisible knives that she couldn’t stop from stabbing her.

He was throwing a party.

A party.

And she had been working for the prince long enough to know how that would go down.

Do you know what you’re saying, prince?

Do you know what you’re doing?

Do you know?

But the words remained trapped in her throat, and she heard herself ask, “W-why won’t you throw it here?”

Safe, Fawn chanted to herself desperately. She had to play it safe until she could figure things out.

“It would be too risky,” the prince answered briefly, “if we do it there since Beatrice Crichton’s still with us.”

“I see.” And she did see.

The prince stared at his phone.

Fawn had hung up on him.

He threw his phone against the wall.

This was the right thing to do.

The best thing to do.

The only thing to do when one was the Prince of Darkness.


It was midnight by the time Fawn made it to Aehrenthal Hotel, accompanied by Nathan Callis, Nick Christakos, and his lovely, soft-spoken fiancée Lilac York. As the limousine slowed down, Lilac put a pair of dark glasses on, making Fawn’s brows furrow.

“Do you have an eye condition?” she asked in concern.

Her question made Nathan smirk while Lilac blushed. Only Nick seemed unaffected.

“Not e-exactly,” Lilac stammered. She started to take her sunglasses off—-

Fawn saw Nick look at Lilac, blue eyes glinting.

With a sigh, Lilac pushed her shades back into place.

Fawn blinked. That didn’t make sense at all.

Seeing Fawn’s confusion, Nick explained easily, “Her eyes are too dazzling for mortals to see.”

Lilac’s cheeks turned rosier. “N-Nick!”

Oh! Fawn started to laugh, but then she saw the look on Nick’s face and realized in horror that the Greek scion wasn’t joking at all. Hastily rearranging her face into a serious look, she said hastily, “That’s right. I totally believe that. Like seriously.”

Nick slowly turned to look at her.

Fawn gulped, wondering if she was about to die.

Brilliant blue eyes laughed at her.

Oh thank God!

“What he basically means,” Nathan interrupted mildly, “is that he’s an extremely jealous man, and anyone staring into Lilac’s eyes tends to make him feel, err, violent.”

As the four of them came out of the limousine, the paparazzi surged forward, taking photos and throwing questions a dozen a minute. Nick and Lilac were asked about their marriage plans while Nathan and Fawn—-

Is this girl the reason you quit modeling?

What’s her name?

Who is she to you?

The former model didn’t say anything, but the mysterious smile playing on his lips had everyone’s imagination running wild.

As they started to walk down the red carpet, with Fawn holding on to the prince’s friend nervously, Nathan bent his head to her, murmuring under his breath, “I hope you understand it’s important they think you’re my date.”

“I do,” she said between her teeth. She was smiling so hard her jaw was beginning to ache. The amount of attention the prince’s friends were drawing was insane, and yet this was also the same world that the prince lived in.

Looking down, she frowned hard, thinking, I have to get used to this, too.

Ahead of Nathan and Fawn, Nick glanced down at his fiancée, his lips curving in amusement as he silently communicated his thoughts to Lilac. Is she not everything I told you she was?

Lilac beamed at him. She is. She’s perfect for Reid!

His arm tightened around her waist, his fingers gently squeezing her hip. And that’s why I told you there’s nothing to worry about. Chalkias may blow a fuse at this stunt – and even now, I highly doubt that would happen. But even if he did, I know he’ll thank me in the end.

Lilac bit her lip. As long as you’re sure.

Nick nodded.

Lilac glanced at him with a worried sigh. I just can’t help worrying. You know how serious he was when he told us at the hospital that he’s going to leave her for good.

Pulling her closer, Nick pressed a reassuring kiss on her forehead. Remember how I used to say stupid things

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