A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,35

the pool. “I don’t know how to swim,” she told him desperately, her arms wounding around his neck tightly as the prince continued on.

The prince stopped moving long enough to grin wickedly at her. “Even better.”

“Bully!” She smacked his back with her fist as hard as she could, but it was like trying to punch a hole through a concrete wall. The water got deeper and deeper, and her fear increased. “Prince...”

Something bumped her lightly, and she twisted her head around, startled.

It was an inflatable daybed, large enough to snugly fit two, and complete with headrest and motorized controls. “Prince—-ah!” The prince had suddenly tossed her on the floater, and she shrieked, thrashing about as she felt herself began to slide down.

“I got you, parthena mou.” Firm but gentle hands pushed her back on the daybed, and this time the prince climbed up, joining her. Fawn tensed as the daybed began to dip alarmingly to the side, but a second later, it righted itself, and she expelled her breath in a huge sigh of relief.

“What are we doing here?” she demanded. Looking around, she couldn’t help gulping as she realized that they were smack in the middle of the pool, leaving her nowhere to go.

The prince cupped her face, forcing her to look at him. “Relax.”

She glared at him. “I can’t.”

“You can,” the prince said soothingly. “And I’ll help you.” As he spoke, he forced her to lie down, and of course, being the idiot that she was, Fawn couldn’t stop herself from following his lead.

Soon she was lying on her back, and the prince’s handsome face loomed over her, filling her vision.

“It’s my turn to please you,” the prince murmured.

Her eyes flew wide open, and she croaked out, “Here?”

In answer, the prince plucked the strings of her bikini top away, and Fawn gasped as she felt the tiny pieces covering her nipples inch down, leaving her breasts completely exposed.

“Oh God, prince—-”

But the prince had already lowered his head and laved one nipple with his tongue.

She arched against the bed in shocked pleasure, inadvertently pushing her nipple deeper into her mouth...at the same time causing the daybed to rock precariously on the water.

“Prince!” Fear and pleasure warred inside of her, and Fawn was torn between shoving the prince away and clutching him closer to her.

The prince lifted his head, and his lips curving in a smirk, he purred, “If I were you, I wouldn’t move too much.” When panic flashed in her brown eyes, he said silkily, “Too much movement can cause this bed to capsize, and right now...” He paused as if to think. “This part is about ten feet deep now.”

“What?” Fawn shook her head wildly. “I really don’t know how to swim—-”

“But I do,” the prince interrupted, “so there’s nothing to worry about, as long as you stay still while I take my time...”

Her breath caught as he reached for her breast. “Prince—-”

“With you...” The prince brushed the tip of one slightly wet nipple with his finger, and the rest of her words melted into a long, helpless moan.

“I love the way you’re so sensitive, parthena mou.” The prince began to play with her nipple, lightly rolling it between his fingers until she was shuddering under his touch. “It makes me want to bully you more.”

Oh! The too-blunt admission had her choking back a laugh, but then the prince dipped his head to suck on her other nipple, and she found herself moaning again. He sucked her sweetly one moment, then hard and roughly the next, and the unpredictability of his seduction was beautifully agonizing. Her hands moved up, curling around his shoulders, and when he bit her nipple, she gasped and jerked, her nails digging deep into the sleek muscled panes of his back.

When the prince released her nipple, she couldn’t stop from mewling in protest, and the sound made the prince smile. The sight of it made her flush, but even so, she couldn’t make herself stop wanting him.

The prince’s gaze suddenly captured hers, and Fawn bit her lip hard as she felt his fingers trail down the valley of her breasts.

“You’re probably used to taking things too slow, but that’s not my style.” His fingers moved down her belly, and Fawn caught her breath as they paused right above the curls protecting her femininity.

“I like to go all out...” As he spoke, the prince took hold of one of the strings of her bikini bottom before ripping it off in one quick move.

She started,

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