A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,3

more, and I’m not sure why, but right now I suddenly feel like I have to tell you everything that’s in my heart.

In the five years I’ve known you, I’ve seen how tirelessly you’ve worked just to do something good. Believe me. I know how uncommon that is when someone looks like the way you do.

But in those years, I’ve also seen how the world has stupidly insisted on being blind to everything. You take a girl out, and they think you’re about to rape her. They see you drinking beer, and they think you’re on your way to rehab.

It’s stupid, but that’s how it is and lately, the same thing’s happened to me, too.

Everybody paints me as the martyr, the girl you heartlessly dumped, the one who has all the reasons to hate you, and no matter what I say or do, they just don’t seem to care.

I wanted the world to believe I was okay because I didn’t want my parents to worry. I didn’t want YOU to worry. But the more I tried, the more it felt like I was lying to myself. They made me feel like I could only cry with their approval, could only forgive you if they think it’s the right time.

And it wasn’t right.

The same way it’s not right stupid people like them should have power over you.

You’re a good man, Reid.

No matter what people think – you’re a good man. I think not enough people tell you that. So I’m saying it now. You’re a good man, and I hope that you don’t dishonor your parents’ sacrifice by letting the sins of the past define you.

And yes, I do know what really happened. I’m sorry, but I was really obsessively in love with you that I bribed someone in the courthouse – it pays to have a barrister for a father – to give me a copy of the proceedings of your adoption case. I’ve known about it since I was fifteen, actually, so that thing you said about me barely knowing you?


I do know you.

And what I know has made me love you more.

I still love you actually, so if it’s okay, will you let me get away with something else? Something a bit crazy?

Like...maybe if you can’t escape your past, then maybe you don’t have to. Maybe you were meant to embrace it instead. Maybe you were meant to use it, ruthlessly, to be the best you can be.

If the world wants you to be evil, then let them think you’re evil and use it to do good.

Does that sound too twisted for someone like me?

I can almost imagine you grinning and shaking your head incredulously as you read this.

But...it makes sense, doesn’t it?

Whether you think it does or doesn’t – I’d love to hear from you. Call me?

I miss you.

Enid gently touched her son’s back. “We have to go, Reid.” They were the only ones left at the graveyard, with Georgette’s own parents having left half an hour ago.

Reid asked quietly, “May I have a few minutes alone? I’ll join you in the car as soon as I’m done.”

She glanced at her husband worriedly, not sure if it was right to leave their boy alone. But when Payton nodded at her, she said reluctantly, “Okay.”

As his parents walked away, he turned to face Georgie again. He still owed her an answer to her letter, albeit a few days late.

It makes sense, Georgie.

I’ll make sure it does.


He inhaled deeply and his eyes began to burn.

I miss you, too.

As Reid turned away and started down the hill, he left behind him his old self, the one that had done its damnedest to please the world.

From there, he walked into a future that would eventually turn him into the Prince of Darkness. In the years that passed, everything that was corrupt and dirty soon came to be associated with his name. He wooed the world with promises of cruelty veiled in pleasure, beguiled them with the most delicious forms of iniquity, seduced them into glorifying both his real and imagined depravities.

And he succeeded...because Georgie was right.

Everyone loved a sinner.

Continuing on the path of self-righteousness would never have gotten him anywhere, but as the Prince of Darkness?

People from all walks of life begged for a chance to indulge in his tainted paradise. Through his never-ending parties, the prince was able to hear things, hidden truths and uncovered lies that he then silently fed to the authorities.

It was the kind of life that

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