A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,27

brow. “What do you think, Reid? We could sponsor their project.”

Before the prince could answer, Lou suddenly approached him, saying, “Please say yes, Mr. Chalkias.”

Fawn’s eyes widened at the way the girl pressed herself to the prince’s side. Did that girl not know she was practically rubbing her breasts against the prince’s arms?

Her gaze moved sharply to the prince, who looked back at her with a glint in his gaze.

She glared at him, unable to help it. Get rid of her!

But the prince only said dulcetly, “It’s really up to Fawn, I’m afraid.” The prince remained where he was as he spoke, with the vice president still treating his body like a scratching post for her breasts.

Fawn saw red.

“She’s the one who’d be crunching numbers with the council if she chooses to accept the project.”

“Or what?” Fawn mumbled under her breath. “It’s going to self-destruct in five seconds, Tom Cruise wannabe?”

Five seconds passed in complete silence.

Oh my God, had she said that out loud?

And then the prince’s friends were laughing while Lou gasped and Grant began to hurriedly apologize on her behalf.

I’m dead. I’m totally dead. She slowly looked up to meet the prince’s gaze.

He was smiling at her, and of course she knew that smile of his from experience.

“Your humor is as adorable as ever,” the prince said pleasantly.

Fawn gulped as she mentally translated the prince’s words and knew that the prince was already looking forward to killing her as soon as they were alone.

“Do you then accept the project?”

Before she could answer, something played out from Derek Christopoulos’ phone.

It was the theme song from Mission Impossible.

Nathan and the Christakos twins started laughing again while Derek grinned at Fawn, saying, “You need to come work for us, Fawn. We won’t take no for an answer. Life’s going to be too boring after this if you don’t.”

Feeling the prince’s gaze boring a hole through her back warningly, she said feelingly, “I would love to work for you, Mr. Christopoulos.” And she did, she had to, with the prince practically threatening her destruction in five seconds from behind.

Lou had finally disentangled herself from the prince, walking back to Grant, saying, “We need to go back to HQ, hon. I got a text from the president.”

Grant frowned. “Right.” He checked his phone. “I got the same text.” He hesitated then said firmly, “You go ahead. I’ll just say goodbye to Fawn.”

Lou’s lips tightened. “I can wait—-”

“You don’t have to.” Grant’s voice had turned hard.

Lou’s lips formed a thin smile. “Okay, hon.”

As the other girl walked away, Grant turned to face Fawn again, saying, “I have to go, luv.”


“I’m sorry we haven’t had much time together.”

Oh. Her lips parted, but no words came out. He had never apologized about this in front of other people, and she didn’t understand why he was doing it now.

“So...” Grant looked at her intently, and after a second she realized that he was waiting for his cue from her.

Could he kiss her or not?

I should let him, she thought. Make him think that he could kiss her and then turn away at the last second.

But this time, with the prince and his friends around them—-

This time, if she did it to him again, the entire school would see it.

“Fawn?” Grant swallowed.

She managed a smile. “I’ll see you whenever then.” She raised one trembling hand up, her fingers fluttering to wave goodbye at him.

And at that moment, she knew.

Grant might be the first man to make her heart beat fast—-

The first man to kiss her—-

The first man to break her heart—-

Grant was all those and more, but even so—-

No matter what happened after this, it was over.

And when Grant suddenly whitened in front of her, it seemed like he knew it, too.

“Fawn.” His voice was hoarse, but when he seemed to walk towards her, the prince stalled him, coming to stand beside Fawn.

Grant froze, and so did Fawn.

“You should go now,” the prince advised gently. “There seems to be an urgent matter with the council.” As the prince spoke, he placed his hand on the small of Fawn’s back, and she bit her lip at the way Grant jerked in reaction to the prince’s gesture.

“I’ll take care of her, so you have nothing to worry about.”

Grant’s eyes swung to her.

She swallowed. “Grant, I...” She didn’t know what to think or do, but the prince made the decision for her as his hand on her back moved and his fingers began to gently caress her spine. With his friends

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