A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,25

found herself typing just one word.


She put the phone back on the table after sending the message to Priscilla. She just needed...to talk to him. She didn’t need the prince to come. She could still handle this on her own, but...she just needed to hear from him.

That was all, she told herself.

One message from him, and she would be reminded that she wasn’t alone, and it would be okay again.

Lou suddenly leaned forward, hissing, “You’re pathetic.”

Her eyes started to sting, a part of her believing the words, but she fought to keep her face expressionless. “I’m sorry,” she answered tonelessly, “that you think that.”

“You’re better off feeling sorry for yourself,” Lou snapped, “to still cling to a man who doesn’t—-”

A shadow fell over them, and Lou shut up as Grant appeared in front of them. His normally combed hair was unkempt, and his handsome face was tense and unsmiling.

“That was fast,” Lou trilled.

But Grant didn’t even look her way. His eyes were focused completely on Fawn. “Hey, luv.” His voice was wary, uncertain.

For one moment, she was so, so tempted to just cry and ask him, Why?


Why, Grant, why?

But the moment passed, and she managed to summon a smile from the last reserves of her strength. “Hi.”

“I miss you.” He bent down to kiss her, and her body became rigid.

How can you kiss me when you had sex with another girl?

Unable to bear the thought of sharing his lips with another girl, she moved at the last second, mumbling, “I think someone texted me.” As she reached for her phone again, Grant’s lips ended up making it only as far as her cheek.

Grant sucked in his breath.

Her fingers moved over the screen of her phone wildly, randomly opening and closing apps, giving herself an excuse not to look up.

In the corner of her eye, she saw Lou grab Grant’s wrist as he straightened and practically pulled him closer to sit beside her.

“Sorry, hon, can’t you see the other seat’s taken? You’ve got no choice but to sit here.”

Fawn continued to stare at her phone.

Why won’t you answer, prince?

You promised.

You promised.

“What are you doing with Fawn, Lou?” she heard Grant ask in an unusually hard voice.

“Relax,” Lou replied, unruffled. “It’s not like I’m going to kill your pretty little girlfriend.” Her lips twisted in a sweet smile. “You know I’m only bad with naughty boys like you.”

When Grant didn’t answer, she couldn’t stop herself from looking up, and that was when she saw Grant’s face flushed with the color of guilt.


“How r-rare of you to be naughty, Grant.” Fawn held on to her smile like her life depended on it, and right now it felt like it did. She had to smile. She had to. Otherwise she would scream. Cry. Run away.

Why, Grant?

Lou began talking again, forcefully demanding Grant’s attention, and Fawn reached for her phone like it was a talisman. More people were staring at them now, their curiosity palpable, and the questions in their minds blazed out louder than ever.

So she’s Grant Bennett’s girlfriend?

Why hasn’t he broken up with her yet?

Didn’t she realize she wasn’t a good match for Bennett?

“Has Grant told you about the fundraiser the council’s planning?” Lou suddenly asked her. When Fawn shook her head, Lou explained, “It’s going to keep us busy, so—-” The ruby red lips curved in a fake smile of apology. “I’m saying sorry in advance, I’ll need to borrow your boyfriend for quite a bit.”

“I see.”

“No hard feelings?”

“None.” Because there was no point, Fawn thought dully. Lou hadn’t just borrowed Grant. She had stolen him away, and Grant had allowed himself to be stolen.

“Your girlfriend is so sweet,” Lou gushed. “It must be hard, having to be with such an angel.”

Fawn had a feeling an insult was hidden in there somewhere, but she was momentarily distracted by the buzzing noise growing louder behind them. It was like the other students were freaking out—-

Over what, she wondered absently.

Lou and Grant appeared to have noticed the same thing, too.

“Do you think there’s a brawl?” Grant asked with a frown.

Lou wrinkled her nose. “The guards will take care of it if so. Derek Christopoulos wouldn’t stand for such—-” Her eyes widened, and her voice trailed off as if she had suddenly seen a ghost.

Grant stiffened as well.

Fawn blinked. “What—-”

Behind her, she heard a distinctly familiar, British-accented voice say silkily, “Mind if we interrupt your meeting?”

Fawn spun around so fast she almost fell off her chair.

It was the prince!

And he was not alone.

Mocking green eyes

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