A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,13

and the silence in the room was only interrupted by the sound of rustling clothes—-

Her head jerked up, and to her shock, she found the prince actually pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his sculpted chest inch by inch.

Her throat dried.

She had seen the prince bare-chested more than a few times, but even so she didn’t think she could ever get used to the sight of it. He was just so magnificently sexy, it was hard to breathe when seeing all those tight, whipped muscles—-

The prince’s lips curved in a grin. “You can also touch, you know.”

A squeak of embarrassment escaped her as she realized that the prince knew she had been staring the whole time. “I wasn’t—-what are you p-planning?” She tried not to panic as the prince started walking straight at her, an alarmingly dangerous glint in his green eyes.

The prince was just a few feet away now.

I’m not going to let him think he’s scaring me—-

The prince was just a foot away now.

Who cares if he knows the truth?

She was scared!

Fawn whirled around to run away, but it was too late, and she heard the prince release a low, dark chuckle just as he swept her up in his arms.

“Put me down—-”

And he did, but on his bed, and then he was joining her. She tried to roll away, but again the prince proved too fast. He moved on top of her, and she froze at suddenly having the hard, hot weight of the prince’s body pressing down on her.

The prince calmly reached for the switch next to the bed, and the incandescent light coming from the wall sconces went out, plunging the room into darkness.

Was this really happening? It seemed like she was fated to ask this question over and over, but—-

Was it really happening?

Was she actually sharing the same bed with the prince?


She could hear the smirk in the prince’s tone, and if she weren’t so nervous, she would have thumped him for it. Of course she was nervous. She was in his bed, and he was on top of her. She had just seen her boyfriend doing another girl, and an hour later she had let another man make her come—-

“You’re overthinking again,” the prince chided gently.

“I can’t help it.”

“You should try harder,” the prince purred, “if you don’t want me to make you come again.”

“Um.” Her voice came out all strangled.

The prince’s grin flashed in the moonlight. “Did that actually make you hesitate about which one is a better alternative?”

“No!” Yes.

The prince’s lips grazed her cheek, and she shivered under him. “While I’d love to make you come...I’m afraid that’s the one thing I can’t do tonight, parthena mou.” The prince suddenly rolled off her, leaving Fawn blinking in bemused shock. “Don’t be too disappointed, mm?”

“I’m n-not.” And she wasn’t. Her body was just aching because she was...tired. Yes, that was it. Her emotions had been all over the place, and it had taken its toll on her.

“Mm...” The prince sounded skeptical.

“I told you, I’m not.” But not wanting to let him argue the point, she changed the subject, asking, “What does parthena mou mean?”

The prince smiled in the darkness. “Care to take a guess?”


“You’re half correct.”

“So...what does the other word mean?”

“It’s what I plan to take from you tomorrow night.”

She gasped. “My soul?”

The prince scowled. “Very funny.”

“Then what? It’s not like you need more money, and I don’t know what else I have that you don’t.”

“Think very carefully,” the prince advised, “and it will come to you.”

She did as asked, and after several moments, she said uncertainly, “My scholarship?”

The prince wondered how it was possible that Fawn could make him want to fuck her and laugh out loud at the same time.

He said finally, “No.” And before she could drive him crazier, he said calmly, “Parthena mou means ‘my virgin.’”


“But once I’ve taken your virginity, I’ll make sure to call you by another name, of course.”


Telling herself that she couldn’t let him think he could call all the shots, she said determinedly, “I w-won’t let you.”

“Really?” And in the next second, the prince had pulled her under him again, and as his weight pressed down on her, this time she also felt something else. She also felt something growing against her belly, throbbing like it had its own life.


With Fawn’s audible gulp telling him that she was now aware of his rigid erection, the prince pulled her more tightly against him, his hands cupping the sweet, tight cheeks of her bottom.

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