A Dance of War - Ellie R. Hunter Page 0,48

glad not to have me lingering around all evening, and my mother kissed my cheek, wishing me a peaceful sleep. I debated whether to stuff pillows under my sheets in case anyone checked on me, but thought better of it. No one will check on me—they never do. Slipping into my flat boots, I pull my hoodie up as soon as my feet hit the ground. Climbing down from my balcony was easier than I thought it would be.

Dodging the cameras around the estate and staying to the dark corners, I don’t breathe until I’m at the old well, following the path Raphael takes when he sneaks onto the property.

Tugging my hoodie lower, over my eyes, I keep my head down and my eyes up as I make my way through the streets and across the city.

The streets are always busy during the day, but I’ve never seen them after dark. They’re just as busy, but there’s not many children around. People openly drink liquor and brawl like animals outside of bars. Funky smelling smoke is blown into my face as I pass two teenage looking boys, their laughter chasings me as I quicken my pace.

“Hey, pretty girl, come over here.”

I ignore the order and move into a jog, never looking back. Knowing where I want to go, I weave through the streets until the Marocchi mansion comes into view in the distance. I wish I knew how to drive, as I would’ve been there by now. Raphael promised that he’ll teach me, but it doesn’t help me now.

Circling the Marocchi’s perimeter, I duck down behind the bushes and look for a way inside. It’s not like I can walk up to the gates and they’ll buzz me in.

Farther ahead, I see a tree leaning close to the wall, so I creep along until I’m at the base of the trunk. I’ve never climbed a tree before. Even as a child, I was told proper girls don’t do such things, but I’m sure it’s as easy as it looks. However, it’s not. I slip back down three times before I cling to the nooks in the bark and pull myself up.

Thank goodness the wall isn’t any higher. I test the weight of the branch at my feet, which doesn’t have much give. Lowering myself, I crawl along until I can climb onto the top of the wall. Bushes line the other side, and I manoeuvre myself so I’m dangling from it. Counting to three, I let go and land heavily on my feet before crashing onto my ass. A rush of adrenaline surges through me, and I keep low to the ground while pulling my phone out of my coat pocket.

Since the colder weather has set in, it’s been difficult to lie about going for a walk around the garden.

Shooting off a text to him, I tell him where I am and wait. I hope he gets it, seeing as I’ll need his help to get me back out.

A light in the far top window is on, and I wonder if that’s his room? It’s still pretty early, so I wouldn’t expect him to be in bed at this hour. I’m about to send him another message when a branch snaps to my left.


I grin in the darkness.

“Over here,” I whisper loudly as I stand, wiping the dirt from the back of my jeans.

Raphael steps around a rose bush, his eyes wide when he sees me. He moves lightning fast, pushing me back toward the wall.

“What are you doing here?” he demands, sounding angry.

“You’re always risking your life to come and see me—”

“Because it’s better than you risking yours! How did you even get here?”

This isn’t the reaction I was expecting from him.

I try pushing him away, but he doesn’t budge.

“I walked. It’s not like I drive or could get my driver to drop me off at your gates,” I snap.

“I can’t believe you’re here. Anything could’ve happened to you on the way. The streets aren’t kind after dark, Mila.”

“Well it didn’t, and you should give me more credit.”

“Should I now, more than I already give you? Tell me, my love, what would you have done if someone recognised you and tried to harm you?”

I’m stumped. I don’t know what I would’ve done. Run? Pushing again at his chest, I go to step away when he pulls me back and wraps me in his arms.

“I don’t mean to snap at you. You scared me, that’s all. It’s bad enough knowing

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