A Dance of War - Ellie R. Hunter Page 0,35

in the newly developed peace department. Someone clearly took advantage of his change of lifestyle and murdered him, and you’re telling me you’re not going to do your fucking job and investigate?”

He blanches, but recovers quickly. “The Camarco’s and Marocchi’s have been going tit for tat for so long, this doesn’t need investigating. You obviously put on a show for everyone and had us believing you were going to change. More fool us.”

The one time I’m telling the truth and no one is fucking listening.

“Looks like I’m free to go,” Raphael snorts, heading for the door.

“We’re not done, Raphael,” Alexander calls after him, but he’s too late. Raphael is gone.

Moving closer to the chief, I say, “I had nothing to do with the bombing, and the fallout from you not looking into this will be on your head.”

“Is that a threat, Ms. Camarco?”

“It’s me telling you to do your damn job.”

Brushing past him, I walk out and sigh in relief when I see Trey leaning against our car. I’m glad he followed us over.

Opting for the front seat, Trey climbs in behind the wheel and drives away.

“The chief of police isn’t going to do a thing to find out who killed Michael. I want you looking into it as soon as you drop me off at the church.”

“He said that?”

“Yes. He won’t listen. He believes the bombing was our doing, and he’s not lifting a finger to investigate.”

“Shit. None of this makes sense.”

He’s damn right it doesn’t. He pulls up outside the church where the doors are wide open.

“I don’t want to see you until you find out who killed Michael, and I want every soldier in this church in the next fifteen minutes.” Climbing out of the car, I make my way inside where

Father Antonio is collecting the bibles from the pews.

“Make the call. Offer whatever price you must to have my men armed by sunset.”

Walking to the front pew, I take a seat, making the sign of Christ over my chest. I send up a prayer, seeking strength to make the decisions that must be made.

Father Antonio returns as my men begin to filter into the church.

Once I hear the doors close, I know everyone is here and I stand, turning to face the men who have been loyal to me and my name their whole lives.

“As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, Michael was killed last night. Before we start to plan our revenge, there are some things you need to know. My engagement to the mayor is fake, a ploy to hold him off from coming after us as he threatened to do. My plea for peace at dinner was also a façade, and one that has cost Michael his life, but one that will be rectified by the end of this day. “From this moment on, all pretence of peace is over. Any Marocchi soldier you cross, you take him out. Weapons will be replaced, but I know you all to be inventive when you need to be. This city wants peace. But the thing is, it’s not possible with two families vying for the throne. We will be the family who takes that throne once and for all.”

Cheers erupt, making my heart swell with pride.

“What about the engagement?” someone calls out.

“Again, it’s over. As far as I’m concerned, Alexander Salvatore is fair game, and if he gets in our way, I will kill him myself.”

More cheers fill the church as I walk down the aisle, nodding and smiling at my men. Men who follow me. No longer will I entertain the notion of keeping men happy to save my ass, even if it is pretend.

My father had the right idea. People need to fear you, or they’ll walk all over you.

“Be warned. Once the first Marocchi soldier falls, the police and the mayor won’t hesitate to end us. It’s going to be a bloodbath out there until this war is won.”

A guy in the back pew stands, and I give the nod for him to speak.

“Are you saying we have no leash now? That there’s nothing and no one stopping us from ending the Marocchi’s?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

Hushed but excited whispers bounce between the men, and the strength I was praying for earlier washes over me.

Raphael doesn’t think I’m strong enough, but I’m about to show him how wrong he is.

Chapter Twelve


“Maybe she had Michael killed herself to make us look bad?” Cristian offers.

“Yeah, she’s been making moves, getting engaged to the mayor

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