A Dance of War - Ellie R. Hunter Page 0,103

calls back.

“It’s Gabriella.”

A torch is rolled toward us, and Mila scoops it up, shining it over the woman. I don’t believe what I’m seeing.

“What are you doing down here?” she asks the pair.

“They will rise together, hand in hand, and wash the blood and violence away,” the woman Gabriella says, and a short-haired, pixie looking woman steps up beside her. “You look like you could do with some more hands.”

A sob escapes Mila, and when she wipes her eyes, Gabriella steps closer.

“No time for tears, Ms. Camarco. We’ve got peace to fight for.”

“How? How did you know to come here?”

“Father Luke sent word, told us where to come.”

I’m going to kiss that fucking man. Time and time again, he pulls through for us.

“It’s about time we make this damn prophecy come true,” Gabriella vows.

“Yes,” Mila says, nodding. “It damn well is.”


Hand In Hand

Chapter Thirty-Eight


The women from the refuge stand before me, and no longer do I see fear and anxiety shining in their eyes, but courage and determination. I must thank Father Luke. Though how he knew to send word to them, I’m not sure.

A disgruntled noise distracts me, and I turn to find Raphael pushing himself up the wall, red-faced, and clearly in pain.

“What’s wrong with him?” Gabriella asks, narrowing her eyes at Raphael.

“He was shot.”

Going over to him, sweat pebbles his forehead, and it’s the weakest I’ve ever seen him. Even when I shot him in the arm, he stood there like I had missed.

“You still with us?” I ask him, keeping my voice low.

“You’re not getting rid of me yet.”

He’s halfway up, and I wrap his arm around my shoulders to offer him support. “Gabriella, help me with him. We need to get out of here.”

“We’ve got you covered,” Lila informs me. With Gabriella taking Raphael’s other side, it’s not long before we get to the end of the tunnel where the daylight hurts my eyes.

“Our car is over by the bushes.”

I nod to Gabriella as Lila leads the way. Raphael becomes heavier the farther we walk, and I’m thankful when we reach the car. He exhales long and hard once he’s settled on the back seat. Rounding the car, I slide in beside him as Gabriella and Lila jump into the front where Lila turns to us from the passenger seat.

“There’s a blanket by your feet, you might want to cover yourselves. When we drove out here, the town was swarming with people.”

I grab the chequered blanket and shake it before pulling it over us and holding it tight, ready to hide under it if we need to.

“I never thought there’d be a day where you looked after me.”

Focusing on Raphael, his eyes are no longer so bright. “Don’t be going soft on me, Raphe. I don’t want to die as much as you don’t.”

His laugh is strained as he winces from the pain. “Is it that hard for you to relax around me and admit you’re worried for me?”

Snorting, I say, “Stop being so dramatic. There’s nothing for me to worry about. You’re going to be fine.”

“I’m bleeding here,” he reminds me.

“I don’t remember you being so melodramatic. I shot you before and you survived.”

“I don’t remember you being so cold,” he declares, full of humour.

Being around him like this, it’s hard to remember we’re with other people until Lila instructs us to get down and out of sight.

I pull the blanket over us, and in the dimness, it’s clear to see him staring at me. “We’ll get your house back, Mila.”

The estate is the last thing I’m thinking about, but I appreciate his intention.

“Just concentrate on getting back on two feet. We need to get the city back. My house can wait.”

“As usual, you always put everyone before yourself.”

The car comes to a sharp stop and I jolt forward, Raphael’s hand shooting out to hold my arm, holding me in place.

“We’re here,” Gabriella sings, opening their doors.

Ripping the blanket off, the door on Raphael’s side opens with Gabriella leaning in to help him out. Sliding out after him, we take our positions as Lila waits by the back door of the women’s refuge, holding it open for us.

Leading him into one of the bathrooms, I curse that the engagement didn’t last long enough for Alexander to pay out for the renovations like he promised the women he would. I mean, I’ll cover the costs, no matter the price, but it would have been nice for the city to pay.

“Sit him under the light so

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