To Dance until Dawn - Emma V. Leech Page 0,93

You know that, don’t you?”

“I do,” he said, his adoration quite visible. “As I love you, and I think it’s about time I reminded you how much.”

Phoebe sighed as his mouth sought hers again and she wrapped herself around him. As his lips drifted from her mouth to her neck and his clever fingers undid her buttons, Phoebe smiled to herself.

“Let’s go back to Paris soon, Max, and to Italy. I should love to see Italy.”

“An adventure, darling?” he murmured against her skin.

“Yes, an adventure,” she whispered, closing her eyes as he got to his knees before her. “Though life is never exactly dull, is it?” she added with a soft laugh.

“With you?” Max replied, looking up at her with wide eyes. “No, love. Life is certainly never dull with you.”

“Nor with you, Max.”

Phoebe sighed as he pushed up her skirts, tangling her fingers in his hair and smiling, as he reminded her how very far from dull her husband really was.


If you would like to know more about the enigmatic Comte de Villen and his brother, and all about the next generation of Peculiar Ladies, don’t miss my new series following their scandalous adventures.

The Daring Daughters!

Dare to be Wicked… on pre-order now.

From the author of the bestselling Girls Who Dare Series – An exciting new series featuring the children of the Girls Who Dare...

The stories of the Peculiar Ladies Book Club and their hatful of dares has become legend among their children. When the hat is rediscovered, dusty and forlorn, the remaining dares spark a series of events that will echo through all the families... and their

Daring Daughters

Dare to be Wicked

Daring Daughters Book One

Two daring daughters ...

Lady Elizabeth and Lady Charlotte are the daughters of the Duke and Duchess of Bedwin. Raised by an unconventional mother and an indulgent, if overprotective father, they both strain against the rigid morality of the era.

The fashionable image of a meek, weak young lady, prone to swooning at the least provocation, is one that makes them seethe with frustration.

Their handsome childhood friend ...

Cassius Cadogen, Viscount Oakley, is the only child of the Earl and Countess St Clair. Beloved and indulged, he is popular, gloriously handsome, and a talented artist.

Returning from two years of study in France, his friendship with both sisters becomes strained as jealousy raises its head. A situation not helped by the two mysterious Frenchmen who have accompanied him home.

And simmering sibling rivalry ...

Passion, art, and secrets prove to be a combustible combination, and someone will undoubtedly get burned.

Pre Order your copy here: Dare to be Wicked

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About Me!

I started this incredible journey way back in 2010 with The Key to Erebus but didn’t summon the courage to hit publish until October 2012. For anyone who’s done it, you’ll know publishing your first title is a terribly scary thing! I still get butterflies on the morning a new title releases but the terror has subsided at least. Now I just live in dread of the day my daughters are old enough to read them.

The horror! (On both sides I suspect.)

2017 marked the year that I made my first foray into Historical Romance and the world of the Regency Romance, and my word what a year! I was delighted by the response to this series and can’t wait to add more titles. Paranormal Romance readers need not despair however as there is much more to come there too. Writing has become an addiction and as soon as one book is over I’m hugely excited to start the next so you can expect plenty more in the future.

As many of my works reflect I am greatly influenced by the beautiful French countryside in which I live. I’ve been here in the South West for the past twenty years though I was born and raised in England. My three gorgeous girls are all bilingual and the youngest who is only six, is showing signs of following in my footsteps after producing The Lonely Princess all Copyright 2016 - 2024