To Dance until Dawn - Emma V. Leech Page 0,81

said to me last night,” she replied, aware that her heart was racing.

Lord, but he was big. Broad shoulders and strong arms, the scent of him wrapping about her, something clean and citrusy, and another scent beneath that, musky and male. It made her want to snatch at his shirt and lick his skin, as if he was strawberry ice. The thought made her blush.

“That I loved you?” he suggested, smiling.

“No,” she admitted, biting her lip as he raised an eyebrow at her. “Not that. Though that was lovely, too, but I knew already.”

He gave a bark of laughter and lay back on the bed, chuckling to himself. “Oh, Lord. I ought to have left before you woke, but I couldn’t make myself do it.”

“Why should you leave?” she demanded, sitting up with a rustle of her scarlet skirts, gazing down at him. He was rumpled, his immaculate evening clothes all creased and his hair mussed, one thick dark lock tumbling over his forehead. She reached out and pushed it back, delighted that she could, that she had the right to touch him so.

“You know why,” he said letting out a heavy sigh. “I have to look your father in the eye when we go home, and I’d rather he not feel the need to slice me into tiny pieces.”

“Pffft,” she said, shaking her head. “He’s not such a hypocrite as that, and we shall write and tell him we are going home to be married, though not yet. You promised to show me Paris, remember?”

Max groaned. “Let’s go home and get married, and then come back to Paris for our honeymoon.”

Phoebe rolled her eyes. “We’re here now, Max, and I have no desire to repeat that awful sea crossing again so soon. Going home will be horrid enough.”

He flung an arm over his eyes and muttered a curse. “Phoebe, love. I’m not sure I can wait that long for you.”

“Then don’t.” Phoebe hitched up her skirts and climbed over him, catching hold of his wrists as he moved to shift her away. “Be still,” she said firmly.

Max subsided, something wary and hot shifting in his eyes that made her stomach tighten.

“You ought to be innocent when you walk down the aisle.” The protestation was almost sulky, and Phoebe gave a hoot of laughter.

“Oh, Max, you are adorable.”

He scowled at her and she leaned down and pressed a kiss to his mouth.

“Your wedding night….” he persisted, and she kissed him again, cutting off his indignant words.

“Max,” she said softly as she moved her lips away. “When I say my vows I ought to be committed to them, to believe them with my whole heart, and mean them to the depths of my soul, and I will. That is what is important, that we love each other and mean the promises we make. Whether or not we have… anticipated our vows by a few days is neither here nor there. Papa cares only for my happiness, and you make me happy. I am safe with you, safe to be myself, as dreadful as that may be, and I want this. I want you. All of you, with no holding back, no politeness, no distance.”

“Phoebe,” he whispered, reaching out and touching her face.

She turned into his caress, kissing his palm.

“You know how horribly spoilt I am, Max. If I want something, I must have it. I will have it.”

To her dismay, Max shook his head. “No. Not now,” he said, his voice low and rough with desire. “But… soon. If you’re certain.”

Phoebe grinned at him, delighted by his capitulation. Soon did not mean after they were wed. “I am. I am certain of you.”

“Then we shall take things slowly and, when you are ready, you shall have all that you desire, but for now….”

The shimmer of something wicked shifted behind his eyes again and Phoebe shivered with anticipation.

“You never told me.” His words were low and caressing now and her breath caught. “You never explained what it was you were thinking about.”

Despite everything, she blushed a little. His words had scandalised her, but only because she had not known he would want such a thing. Mama had told her much of what to expect, but that detail she had left out. His words had caught her skin aflame, though, and the desire in his expression only made her burn hotter.

He moved suddenly and Phoebe squealed as she landed flat on her back, with Max pinning her wrists to the mattress.

“Tell me,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024