To Dance until Dawn - Emma V. Leech Page 0,43

least bit stern when she conversed with the waiter, but only watched her with a strange gleam in his eyes. She liked it when he watched her, Phoebe decided, only it was rather distracting. Trying hard to ignore him, she concentrated on speaking to the waiter. He was a handsome young fellow with curling black hair, and he obviously admired her, which was not an unpleasant situation. She hoped Max had noticed too. Once the man had given her voluble and rather too flattering felicitations upon her marvellous French and her charming accent, he had asked if the meal had been to their satisfaction. Phoebe had been happy to wax lyrical for some time before she concluded.

“Oh, indeed, it was the most wonderful meal, so do send our compliments to your chef, but of course, I knew it would be excellent as an acquaintance of ours recommended it. A Baron Alvanly, do you remember him perhaps? I believe he may be a day or two ahead of us.”

The man’s face darkened at once.

“Yes,” he said, looking very much like he would spit on the floor if a lady wasn’t present. “I know him.”

“Oh dear,” Phoebe said, as it appeared the waiter was not pleased to admit knowing Baron Alvanly. She gave him her most sympathetic expression. “I am aware the baron is a shocking loose screw, though very charming when he wishes to be. Am I to take it he did not act honourably?”

At this question, Phoebe really did think he would spit in response, but the waiter just stood a little taller and replied with disgust that Baron Alvanly had left that very morning and not paid his bill.


Max watched the exchange between Phoebe and the young waiter with fascination. How was it that a woman who already held him utterly spellbound only grew more enticing when speaking a foreign language? He had only the vaguest notion of what they were talking about and, once they’d finished discussing the meal, he’d been quite lost. It didn’t matter. She could have been discussing the state of the drains for all he knew, and he’d still have been captivated.

Oh, please God, let her agree to marry me. Please. Please.

That the waiter and his entire staff were also halfway in love with her was also obvious. He and a dozen other ingratiating fellows had fallen over themselves to serve La Comtesse and ensure she had the best of everything. They had kept her wine glass full, too, and now she looked flushed and excited. Something the fellow had said had clearly pleased her. Max only prayed he hadn’t been flirting with her. He didn’t think his ego could stand competition from a waiter at this point.

“Oh, Max,” she said, turning to him and reaching across the table to clasp his hand.

They had both removed their gloves to eat and, for a moment, he was so distracted by the feel of her skin upon his he did not attend to her words.

“Max, did you hear what I said?”

Max tore his eyes away from her hand and cleared his throat.

“N-No,” he stammered. “Wool gathering.”

The waiter sent him a glance which was half pitying understanding, and half envy.

“Alvanly was here. He left this morning, but he didn’t pay his bill. I hope you don’t mind, but I… I said you would. After all, if not for me, he’d never be here and….”

“Of course,” Max said easily, happy to do anything she wished if it would soften her opinion of him. “Tell them to add it to our bill.”

“Oh, thank you, Max. I will pay you back once we get home.”

She beamed at him and turned back to the waiter. He had no intention of letting her pay him back, but her hand was still resting upon his and Max did not dare move or speak for fear she would remember and take it away.

Once the fellow had gone, she returned to look at him.

“We are only hours behind him,” she said with excitement glittering in her eyes. “And thank you so much for paying his bill, Max. I shall pay you back, I promise, though I know it was a dreadful imposition of me to offer without asking, and I am sorry—”

“Don’t be,” he said, aware there was too much unspoken, too much emotion in the words, but he couldn’t help it. “Please. Don’t be sorry.”

She stared at him a little uncertainly and gave a hesitant smile. “All right, then.”

Max settled their bill and Alvanly’s Copyright 2016 - 2024