To Dance until Dawn - Emma V. Leech Page 0,32

her. She did not want him to marry her. She thought him old and boring and….

“We’ll all go.”

There was a silence so profound it rang in his ears. Both Phoebe and Jack stared at him, mouths agape. Well, at least he’d surprised them.

“Phoebe, you cannot travel alone, no matter that Jack is there to escort you. You have no maid, no one to accompany you, but if you were in company with your husband—”

“Oh, Max!” Phoebe exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement, and such a look of admiration that his heart gave the oddest little flutter in his chest. “Do you mean it. Truly? You’ll come with us?”

Max quailed as he considered Lucian’s wrath when he discovered what he’d done. Well, faint heart and fair maidens and all that….

“I will.”

Phoebe squealed and threw her arms about his neck for the second time that night, kissing his cheek. “How marvellous you are, and I do know I don’t deserve it, but thank you, Max!”

For just a moment he basked in the glow of her approval, and then he caught sight of Jack’s expression. He looked as if he’d returned to the idea of ripping Max’s head off.

“Now, wait just a minute, lord,” he said, his voice deep and forbidding and enough to make all the fine hairs on the back of Max’s neck stand on end. “You ain’t married.”

“No,” Max said, glaring at the man. “But I have told the ton I proposed, and Miss Barrington accepted. That is a binding agreement. I am honour bound to marry her now and, I assure you, I am a gentleman. If there were time to marry her before we left, I would, but the day we return I will make her my wife, and you may shoot me dead if I fail to do so.”

“Oh, may I?” Jack rumbled, something dark and daunting glittering in his eyes. “Well, that’s right nice of you. Reckon I’ll take you up on that.”

“Reckon we will,” his companion, Fred, echoed, earning himself an irritated glance from Jack.

“Oh, Jack, do stop growling at Max and trying to frighten him. The poor man is helping me, and not for the first time. Really, I have been the most unrewarding friend to him, yet he never fails to step in. He hasn’t even scolded me yet, and I know I roundly deserve it. You may scold me later, Max,” she said kindly, reaching to take his hand. “Only I do feel we ought to hurry.”

Max swallowed down the bubble of laughter that was threatening, fearing he might sound a tad bit hysterical.

“Yes. Later,” he managed, nodding gravely. “Jack, you best go via my home so I can pack and get funds enough for such a journey. Phoebe can’t go home without having to answer a great many questions, so we shall have to buy her what she needs on the way.”

Jack returned another dark look, which Max met unwaveringly. After a long moment, Jack grunted and returned to the carriage. Max felt he’d passed a test. He sighed, and turned to discover Phoebe watching him.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked, anxiety glinting in her eyes, which shone silver grey in the moonlight.

Max smiled and nodded. “I’m sure.”

“Why?” The word was almost whispered, and he felt the answer was important to her, so considered his words with care.

“I think perhaps I should like to have an adventure.”

A smile dawned on her face, bright as sunlight, dazzling him. “Really?”

He nodded, certain now that he was telling the truth. “Really.”

She watched as he held his hand out to her, and Max felt a burst of happiness surge through him as she gave him hers. Phoebe looked up and Max laughed, bubbling over with everything he felt. God, this was insanity, utter madness… and he would not miss it for the world.


By the time Max had packed, soothed the ruffled feathers of his indignant valet, whom he felt it prudent to leave behind, and arranged funds enough for the journey, the first touches of daylight were staining the night sky.

Phoebe dozed in the carriage, curled up on the seat opposite him, his greatcoat draped over her for warmth. Max wondered at her ability to sleep, for he was alive with anticipation, with excitement, with… his conscience shouting at him, louder and louder with each moment that passed. He was about to take Phoebe on a journey with him which would leave her utterly ruined. That she must marry him now, Copyright 2016 - 2024