To Dance until Dawn - Emma V. Leech Page 0,23

kiss, the thought so startling her that she remembered just what had tangled her emotions in a knot in the first place.

“What did you mean?”

“Surely I don’t need to explain what it means when a man wants a woman?” Alvanly murmured, a thread of amusement in his voice.

“No, no, not that,” Phoebe said impatiently, noting a flash of irritation in the baron’s eyes. “What did you mean about Ellisborough, that he fancies me for himself?”

“Any man here with a pulse fancies you for himself, Miss Barrington. Surely you know that?”

Phoebe laughed and shook her head. “Any man with an empty bank account, certainly, and perhaps some of the others, but not Ellisborough.”

She felt the baron stiffen and was a little sorry for having spoken so glibly. She knew he needed to marry money and did not blame him for pursuing her. He was lazy and over-bred and had no idea of how to work for a living. What else could he do? Despite not trusting him an inch, she did rather like him, and he was amusing company, even if he would be a disastrous husband.

“You’re wrong,” he said angrily. “It’s not just the money, though God knows I’d be struck by lightning if I said it meant nothing to me, and there’s a dozen or more like me, watching as I speak. But I’d want you even if you were penniless, and that’s the truth too. Ellisborough is no different. He might act like he wishes you to behave as a nice young lady ought, but he’ll be eager to discover more of your tempestuous spirit. He likes it well enough when he’s imagining you in his bed, I don’t doubt, just like the rest of us poor devils.”

“My lord!” Phoebe glared at him, tugging out of his arms.

Thankfully, the dance had ended at that moment, and she thought perhaps no one noticed.

Alvanly looked unrepentant. “I’m sorry, Miss Barrington, to be so crude, but I think you wanted to know. I believe you like a little danger, don’t you?”

“I don’t think you ought to speak of him so,” she said, far more indignant on Max’s behalf than her own.

She knew men of his nature said such things to make her blush and to make her curious. Well, her cheeks were burning, and her insides were all in a quake, though she could not understand why, for she’d dealt with men like Alvanly before with no trouble.

“Forgive me,” the baron said, smiling gently now. “You have such spirit, such a wild nature that echoes my own so closely, I sometimes forget we tread different paths. I forget just how innocent you are, sweet child. I ought not have spoken so.”

Phoebe nodded, accepting his apology, though she did not like being called a child by him. Not that he meant it, the devil. She could still see the dark glitter in his eyes. Well, he was a rake. What did she expect, dancing with such a man? Alvanly sighed, a rueful glint apparent as he watched her.

“Am I forgiven?”

“Yes,” Phoebe said, wishing she didn’t feel so agitated. She could not decide what it was that made her heart skip about so, but the baron’s words had edged under her skin and made her uncomfortable.

“Good. Until next time, Miss Barrington.”

Phoebe moved away from the dance floor and headed towards the retiring room, intending to splash some cold water on her face. What was wrong with her? She felt strangely restless and cross, but she did not know why.

“Miss Barrington.”

Oh drat. She did not wish to talk to anyone. Hurrying on, she ignored her name, but whoever it was called again.

“Miss Barrington, wait, please.”

She turned then, unable to pretend she had not heard a second time when they were so close. It was Max, of course.

“Are you quite well?”

“Quite, thank you,” she said, forcing a smile and trying to move away again, but Max caught her wrist. It was only a gentle touch, just enough to stay her movement before he let her go again.

“Did Alvanly…. Did he say something that upset you?”

To her irritation, she could only remember what he’d said about Max, about how Max would be pleased to imagine her tempestuous spirit in his bed. Her cheeks blazed scarlet.

“I’ll kill him,” Max muttered.

“What? Oh! No… No,” she said in a rush, realising what he thought.

Indeed, Alvanly ought never to have spoken so, but she wasn’t some silly green chit who had no idea what men were like. She knew well Copyright 2016 - 2024