To Dance until Dawn - Emma V. Leech Page 0,12

sought out for her company, she was never quite at ease. Always, she was aware of the difference between her and those other young ladies, aware that they did not know what to make of her. She liked and admired many of them, and had nothing against marrying and having a family. She looked forward to it, but… but surely there was more. Could she not have an adventure or two before she did as the world expected of her? No, was the simple answer. Adventures equalled ruination. Or, at least, they did if you were found out.

“Well, I’m blowed,” Alvanly said, his expression one of delight. “I admit it, I did not believe you daring enough to come. I apologise.”

Phoebe shrugged. “That’s all right. Why would you? But do hurry, or we’ll be too far back to see anything.”

She kept close to him, her hand on his arm, for no other reason than that it was safer to do so. Her free hand remained in her pocket, and she had stuffed a small bag of coins under the neck of her dress. Cutpurses in places like these would lift it from anywhere else in a second, without her knowing a thing about it.

There was quite a crowd gathered now, carriages lining the field with people crammed on the tops of them to get a better view over those that circled the ring. At the very front, the men sat cross-legged on the floor with everyone beyond the first few lines standing. The air of anticipation rose steadily with the noise as the combatants took to the field.

The fight, between a huge Irish man by the name of O’Sullivan, and a wicked looking devil called Evans, was quite a spectacle. Phoebe was torn between horror and admiration for the two men. Her admiration was all for their physiques, as they were stripped to the waist and the sight not one she’d ever had the chance to enjoy before. It was strangely… energising, the sight of two large, muscular men stripped to do battle. Their courage too was impressive. Good heavens, but she could hear, almost feel the echo of each hit as fists hit flesh with cruel force. As the fight went on, however, she was forced to admit it was not to her taste. The roar of the crowd was deafening, baying for victory, full of bloodlust as O’Sullivan put Evans in the dirt for a third time. Evans’ eye was swelling, blood dripping steadily from a cut on his eyebrow, and both men were filthy and bruised. He’d not last much longer.

Well, she had come, and she had seen a boxing match, which had been the object of the exercise, alongside proving to Alvanly that he ought not underestimate her. Now, though, excitement turned to distaste for the brutality of it, and it seemed a good moment to make her escape. If she waited until the end, there would be more likelihood of trouble, with those victorious too over-excited and those who’d lost too angry to tolerate it. Alvanly was totally riveted on the fight and not paying her the least attention, and so she slipped away, easing back through the crowd.


Max groaned as Evans hit the dirt for a third time. The end was pretty much a foregone conclusion now. He smacked Jasper on the shoulder and shook his head.

“I’ll see you later and pay up,” he promised as Jasper grinned at him, turning his attention back to the fight and his brother, who was still yelling encouragement to Evans.

Jerome would not like losing to his older brother.

Pushing back through the spectators, Max kept a sharp eye out. There were always villains a-plenty, ready to snatch a watch or a purse, or anything else they could get their hands on, and turn a profit. Once at the edge of the crowd he strode out, relieved to be away from the raucous atmosphere.

What the devil was wrong with him?

Perhaps Phoebe was right. Even though she’d never actually said as much, it was obvious she thought him old and dull, and certainly he felt bored to death. The only time his blood ever surged in his veins was when she was near, and it usually led to him putting his foot in his mouth. He never meant to, but she was so damn reckless and the idea that she might come to harm made his heart stutter in his chest. He kept an eye on her as discreetly as Copyright 2016 - 2024