A Dance of Cloaks - By Dalglish, David Page 0,69

passed, Veliana knew he could only be Pelarak.

“Welcome,” he said.

“Thank you for accepting us, my glorious high priest,” Eliora said, offering a quick bow.

“It is good to hear your voice, Eliora,” Pelarak said.

Veliana found the comment unintentionally biting.

“We must talk in private,” Eliora insisted. “Our time is short, and our matters urgent.”

“I can imagine,” Pelarak said, his kindness fading away as if it were a mirage. “Who have you brought here with you?”

“That is part of what I wish to discuss.”

Pelarak gave Veliana a look that froze her blood. He was dissecting her with his eyes.

“So be it. Follow me.”

He led them to his meager chambers, holding open the door for them like a gentlemen. Once they were inside he closed the door and crossed his arms.

“You have done much without my approval,” Pelarak said. “What madness has come over you?”

“Explain,” Eliora said. She ushered Veliana toward a seat, but no one sat.

“Attacking the Gemcroft home? What part of my orders to remain neutral and apart from the shadow war did you not understand?”

Eliora shrugged her shoulders.

“The Kulls offered land for a temple in Riverrun. They have no connection to either the guilds or the Trifect.”

“Do you think Maynard cares?” Pelarak shook his head. “Karak made it clear as night that we were to remain indifferent. You have put our entire temple in danger because of your recklessness.”

Veliana would have given anything to see behind the white cloth over Eliora’s face.

“What did you tell him,” Eliora asked.

“He threatened to send the starving masses after us. I offered to aid him, but only if we admitted his daughter as a priestess to ensure he made no such threats again.”

“Alyssa Gemcroft is under our protection,” Eliora said, her voice steel.

“You answer to me, faceless,” Pelarak said, his voice rising to match her intensity. “I don’t care what you’ve done with her. I don’t care who you’ve promised her to, and I don’t care what you have to do. Bring her here.”

“As you wish,” Eliora said. She seemed to be staring down the high priest, even though he couldn’t see her eyes.

Pelarak broke his gaze with her and finally moved behind his desk to sit. Veliana sat down opposite him and crossed her arms. She hoped that the conversation didn’t last much longer. The sooner she left the temple, the better. She felt oddly comfortable among Eliora and her faceless sisters. Inside the temple, however, she felt like an intruder waiting to be caught.

“I come to ask that Veliana may be admitted into our order,” Eliora said. Pelarak raised an eyebrow.

“Women are not ‘admitted’ to the faceless, Eliora. It is a punishment and a dishonor. What has this woman done to deserve such treatment?”

“She has sworn her life to me, and to Karak.”

“Then let her join the temple, if her vow is to Karak. You hold no position to accept a life into your hands.”

Eliora took a step forward.

“My priest, with her talents at dagger and magic, I feel her place would be best…”

“I will decide what is best,” Pelarak said, his voice nearly shaking with a cold intensity. “Your kind has functioned far too long without supervision. If you cross my orders again I will disband the faceless and send you into exile. Your place is one of penance, not command, Eliora. If you value your faith in Karak, you will learn this quickly.”

For a long while, Eliora remained silent. When she moved, it was sudden.

“Come,” she said, grabbing Veliana’s arm and yanking her to her feet.

“Where are we going?” asked Veliana.

“I said come.”

If Pelarak was upset at her leaving instead of staying to be a priestess, he didn’t show it. He remained in his seat as they left, not bothering to see them out. Veliana wasn’t sure if it was a conscious choice or not, but Eliora didn’t blindfold her when they exited the temple. As they marched south, Veliana interrupted the silence between them.

“You didn’t tell him about Thren’s plan,” she said.

The shadows seemed to curl off Eliora’s body like mist off a pond. It was if anger fueled them.

“Pelarak would only ruin whatever we may do,” Eliora said. Her voice trembled with rage. “If we do as he says, the Kulls will be furious. How dare he deny me an apprentice. How dare he!”

As they neared the wall, Veliana glanced over, an idea blossoming in her mind.

“Who do you serve,” she asked.

“Karak,” she replied.

“I mean in these more mundane matters. Is it Alyssa or is it the Kulls?”

“The Kulls

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