A Dance of Cloaks - By Dalglish, David Page 0,48

as if caught doing something wrong. Instead he bowed his head respectfully to both his father and his teacher.

“He has said the truth as he knows it. I need his honesty, wrong or not. Stories lying of the Trifect’s power and twisting blame to where it does not belong only risk me harm.”

Thren nodded, clearly pleased.

“Teach truthfully,” he told Robert. “Never lie to my son. He is old enough for every truth, no matter how harsh. And he was right, Aaron. I was a fool. I let an enemy live when I should have ended their existence. That ends tonight. Prepare your things. I want you with me. There are lessons that one does not learn from books and study.”

Aaron did not ask where they were going, though he very much wanted to. The boy knew that his father would tell him when he was ready, no sooner and no later. They both wore the gray cloaks of their guild. Much of Aaron’s outfit was new, from the soft black leather of his boots to the faded trousers and the thick gray tunic. He was most proud of the sword that swung from his hip, a thin rapier shortened to match his height.

“Say nothing, not even if you are directly addressed,” Thren said as he led them through the dark streets. Morning was fast approaching, but until then the city was still empty and quiet. The few men about had their own businesses to keep, and hide, so they were left alone to wander.

“What if you demand it?” Aaron asked. Thren glanced back at him, his words sharp on his tongue.

“Why would I ever?” he asked.

Aaron nodded, his face flushed red.

“Listen well, my son. We approach a brothel. Do you know what is done there?”

When the boy nodded, a small frown tugged at the corner of Thren’s mouth.

“I’ll assume Senke is to blame. Remember, women are a weakness to you. I want you pure, Aaron. I want you perfect. No strong drink will touch your lips. No womanly flesh will your hands caress. No priest will sway your heart. Power is all that matters, power and the skill to keep it. You have so much to learn, but once you are older, you will learn directly from me. Men fear my name, Aaron, but they will fear yours a hundred times more.”

With morning so close, the brothel was mostly empty. The women had slipped into more comfortable clothing. No men lingered in the interior room, and the clients that remained were fast asleep. When the sun rose over the walls of the city, the ladies would prod them awake and usher them home to their wives, children, or professions.

“Welcome Thren,” said a middle-aged woman with flaming red hair and matching lipstick. “You have not graced us with your presence in far too long.”

When she noticed Aaron, she smiled.

“Is this the young Felhorn? He looks so much like his father, he does. You have brought him to the right place, Thren. I have some younger girls, and they know how to be gentle so that…”

“Shut up, whore.”

His words struck her like a slap. Her lips closed, and the joy left her eyes, replaced with a cool, calculated gaze.

“Very well. Why are you here?”

Thren pointedly ignored her. He glanced at his son to ensure he had his attention and then began lecturing.

“This is Red. She is in charge of the women here. It helps to have a woman deal with the younger girls, plus her experience makes sure that they know how to properly do their jobs. Every brothel has someone like her. They are never fools, and they are always dangerous. They hear more than anyone else in this city. Men are stupid when in bed.”

“Sometimes out of bed, too,” Red said.

Thren flashed her a dangerous smile.

“Where is Billy Price?” he asked. Red gestured toward a flight of stairs leading to an enclosed balcony.

“Leave your swords here,” she said. “You don’t need them if you’re on business.”

That dangerous smile on Thren’s face never changed, not even when he grabbed her throat and slammed her against a table. Thren drew one of his swords and pressed it against her throat.

“You are not one to give orders to me,” he said. “And death by the sword is always my business.”

Aaron was surprised by how calm Red remained. She stared at Thren, not at all worried. The boy realized that she must be threatened often to be so calm. Either that, or she held

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