Dance Around - Susi Hawke Page 0,5

I don't need to until either one of you wants to talk. I promise this has nothing to do with my brother and everything to do with you being one of the few people Isaac trusts outside of our family."

"Good. Because he’s family to me. Obviously, since I’m your baby’s godfather." Because I knew this wasn't about me and Dan, I could relax enough to take a sip of tea. "Okay, then. Tell me why Isaac needs me and how soon I should be there."

"The sooner the better. Morty is here right now. I left Dear and Clay entertaining him while Isaac and I came inside to discuss his request." He paused, softly reassuring Isaac I was coming over.

If Isaac needed comfort, I wanted to know the reason why. "Nash, what's going on? What the hell is Morty up to now, and why does it concern Isaac?" As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I remembered an interesting tidbit I found in Salvador's files. I'd bet half the brood my piece of information had everything to do with whatever Morty wanted, whether he admitted it to Isaac and Nash or not.

"Hold on, Isaac wants to tell you himself." Nash passed the phone off, reminding me yet again why I respected this alpha. Why shouldn't Isaac get to talk to me himself? Nash understood without getting high-handed about it, which only made me respect him more.

I smiled at the voice of a much more confident Isaac. "Hi, Gil. I hope we're not catching you at a bad time. You said to reach out if I ever needed you, and I think I do."

"What's up, Buttercup? Tell me what you need, and it's yours." Damned but if I didn't mean every word. That omega had been to hell and back. If I could do anything to make his life easier, I would. In a heartbeat.

Isaac giggled at the playful way I'd spoken, but stress was obvious in his voice. "Morty says they need me to testify against Sal. They want me to go to COME headquarters and speak in front of the entire counsel. Obviously, Nash and his brothers will also go, but I'd feel better if you were there too. And maybe a few dozen of your brood?"

Snorting, I shook my head as if he could see me. "A few dozen? If we're going into the belly of the beast, I'm bringing a Blythe army. I take it he thinks your testimony is necessary? I mean, surely the video and photos Sal took of you should be enough to convict the piece of human shit."

"Right? Nash said the same thing. But Morty says having me there will be more effective."

Morty wasn't wrong. The question was if the Moreno family knew why. The damned, stubborn-assed brothers probably hadn't made the connection. To be fair, I hadn't either until I’d seen exactly how evil OPEN EYES machinations were after reading through Sal's files.

"Tell Morty you'll be present, but let him know I'll be escorting you on my plane. Then get him out of there because I'm coming over, and I don't want his ass around for the discussion."

Isaac giggled again. "You've got it, Gil. Nash has been itching to send Morty on his way since he showed up. See you in a little while."

With the call ended, I pocketed my phone and allowed myself a few minutes to enjoy my now-tepid tea and the rest of the gingersnaps. Normally, I would shift and run the few miles separating our estates, if for no other reason than to irritate Dan when I showed up naked and without setting off any alarms.

The glaring hole in their security system wasn’t my fault. Not wanting your alarms set off by native wildlife was one thing. But a shifter family—especially one who worked as assassins—should have been the first to anticipate another shifter using any chance to gain access.

Lord knows I did it on the regular. Which was also why my family's property had a hair trigger security system. If a mouse ran across one of my fields, a camera picked up on it at once. It paid to be proactive, not to mention saving me a lot of sleepless nights.

Since I was in a hurry and didn't want to make any waves by fighting with Dan today, I rode my motorcycle over and waited at the front gate to be buzzed in. Fortunately, there was no sign of Morty when I pulled up in Copyright 2016 - 2024