Damnation Code (William Massa) - William Massa Page 0,6

guy who crawls in the dirt for a living.”

Talon smiled and held up his grocery bag.

“Feeling up for lunch in the park?”

“Hmm, you make it hard for a girl to say no.”

Hand-in-hand, they stepped out of the building, trailed by both envious and curious glances. The two of them shared something pretty special and someone would have to be blind not to pick up on it.

Less than an hour later, they were making out in Dolores Park, their hands roaming and exploring as they lay under a tree in the grass. They had barely touched the crackers and cheese. Most of the wine remained in the plastic cups Talon had brought along for the occasion. Anyone passing by would have taken them for a couple of love-struck teenagers.

“It might be time to get a room,” Michelle joked as she caught her breath.

Talon nodded a little too fast. He couldn’t wait to ‘get a room’ but there was something else that he needed to do first. Misinterpreting his hesitation, Michelle caressed the stubble on his face. “Is everything okay, babe? If there’s something you need to talk about…”

Michelle was all too aware of the challenges men like Talon faced. The horrors they confronted on a daily basis. He eyed her deeply and knew the moment had come to be a man. His throat felt dry as spoke. “I brought you here because a) I’m a romantic softie and b) there’s something I want to ask you.”

He refilled Michelle’s cup with wine and suddenly his hands were shaking. Man, he was acting like some high-school kid out on a first date.

“I know, wine in a plastic cup, ain’t I a classy guy?”

“Probably a step up from eating the nasty parts of goats to impress village elders,” Michelle teased.

“Don’t knock Afghani cuisine. It’ll catch on.”

Michelle grinned as she sipped her wine.

Talon had rehearsed his speech for days now, racking his brain for the perfect words. He nervously downed his entire cup of wine and Michelle shot him a surprised look. “You all right?”

Talon knelt before her in the grass. “You might want to get up for this next part.”

“Oh my God…” Realization filled her eyes and Talon knew there was no turning back now. He fumbled getting the ring box out of his pocket. Last time he’d felt this nervous was when he’d foolishly decided to take a role in a high school play. Shakespeare wasn’t his friend.

“Michelle, two years ago I wasn’t happy when I learned some reporter was supposed to spend eight days with my unit. A week later I was a different man playing a different tune.”

This is so cheesy. His Delta buddies would be laughing their asses off if they could hear him now. It had sounded good in his mind but spoken out loud… Screw it! He was putting it all out there. He meant every word he said and was expressing himself as best he could. He’d never claimed to be a poet.

Tears welled in Michelle’s eyes as he continued. “The last two years have been the happiest years of my life, despite some of the worst combat I’ve had to endure. Knowing that you’re in my life, Michelle, reminds me what I’m fighting for.”

Talon took a deep breath and opened the ring case. He’d purchased the ring — a three-diamond in 15K white gold — in New York City’s jewelry district. An old Army buddy turned jeweler helped him pick out something tasteful and beautiful. It was only right that the woman who’d transformed his world receive a ring worthy of her.

Michelle was both sobbing and giggling now. Talon never got a chance to actually mouth his proposal as she engulfed him in a bear hug. Her kisses and tears spoke louder than words.

Talon’s heart beat with joy as they headed to Michelle’s rent-controlled townhouse in Mission Bay. The moment they stepped into her place, Talon attacked her and they hit the carpet. Within seconds the clothes had come off in a heady, fumbling rush of animal passion and pent-up emotion. They both shook as they climaxed, soaked in perspiration.

They laid on the floor, hands and bodies entwined. The problems of the world seemed a million miles away. The blood and dust of the wars Talon was fighting belonged to another reality.

There was only Michelle and himself. Their bodies. Their passion. Their love.

They were still recuperating from their lovemaking, sipping beer and snacking on chips when Talon’s phone buzzed.

Damn it!

He ignored the call, but whoever was

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