Damnation Code (William Massa) - William Massa Page 0,53

that he collapsed from blood loss as soon as he parked his bike. For two straight days he slept, lost to the darkness that came with deep exhaustion.

Upon waking, he vaguely recalled some of his dreams. Michelle was in most of them. There was also a dim recollection of a doctor checking in on him, but perhaps he’d imagined the man. Reality and imagination had fused while his body was recovering.

The first change he noticed when he finally woke up was that someone – most likely the doctor in his dreams – had stitched up the wound on his chest. There would be a scar in the shape of the inverted star, no doubt about it. It would serve as a constant reminder of the evil he’d confronted and defeated in San Francisco.

There would be other enemies. As long as ruthless men could master the rituals of the occult, they would tap into its unspeakable power. Talon had received a glimpse into an alien world and come to realize that the universe was far grander and more terrifying than he could’ve imagined.

After he showered and shaved, Casca brought him up to speed. Becky had returned to her life secure in the knowledge that this cult was history. The Omicron story still dominated the news channels. Experts left and right speculated about how this techno-cult could have gained such a hold over the minds of its followers. Deepening the mystery was the fact that many of the cultists suffered from a form of amnesia, or so they claimed.

Books would be written about the computer cult. Experts and pundits would be debating the case for weeks to come, at least until the next big disaster drowned out the chatter.

“Your two weeks are almost up, Sergeant,” Casca said. “Time to report for duty soon.”

Talon shook his head. “I won’t be going back. At least not permanently.”

Casca cocked an eyebrow.

“I’m resigning from Delta.”


“There are plenty of good men fighting the war on terror. My services might be needed on another front.”

“You think you’re the guy who’s going to save the world from the boogeyman?” Casca asked, echoing Talon’s earlier question.

“Perhaps we can save it together,” Talon replied.

They both grinned.

“Did we destroy the program?” Talon asked.

“I believe so.”

“Where do we go from here?”

“I’ve been hearing some disturbing stories coming out of Milan. Someone is abducting tourists and leaving dead bodies behind… Bodies with pentagrams carved into their backs.”

Talon winked. “I always wanted to visit Italy.”

“I’m glad to have found you, Sergeant.”

“I became a soldier to keep this country safe. My job hasn’t changed. Only the enemy.”

“Let’s head inside and I’ll show you the reports. See what you make of it.”

Talon and Casca turned toward the estate.

They’d won a victory against the darkness, but the war was just beginning.


Mark Talon will return in Occult Assassin: Apocalypse Soldier.

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William Massa is a screenwriter, script consultant and book reviewer (http://horrornovelreviews.com/) He has lived in New York, Florida, Europe and now calls Los Angeles his home. William writes horror, thrillers, science fiction and dark fantasy. More books are on the way.

Visit my Facebook page for updates and messages.

Visit my my website at www.williammassa.com


© 2014 under license of shutterstock

Cover design by William Massa & Jun Ares.


After a decade spent fighting the enemy abroad and keeping his country safe, Delta Force Operator MARK TALON is ready to settle down with the love of his life. But Talon’s world crumbles when his fiancée becomes the victim of a terrifying cult.

In the wake of his terrible loss, Talon dedicates himself to a new mission – hunting down evil occultists across the globe and stopping them before they can unleash the forces of darkness upon an unsuspecting world.

In ICE GOD, Talon must head to Norway to stop Rezok, a Black Metal musician who plans on using an ancient Norse ritual to trigger a frozen cataclysm.



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