Damnation Code (William Massa) - William Massa Page 0,44

describing, it appears that way. Zagan has become the vessel for a supernatural entity’s return to the material world.”

“Why does an ancient demon return as a cyborg?”

“The demon doesn’t choose his form, the adept does. Its final manifestation is filtered through Zagan’s mind and psychology. His dreams, his nightmares.”

“Why does Zagan want to be possessed by this entity?”

“Oh, he doesn’t.”

Talon knitted his brows. Casca was losing him.

“Zagan believes he’s controlling the darkness, when in fact it’s controlling him. It’s given him a taste of power so he’ll finish the program.”

“In other words, he’s being played.”

“Exactly. The darkness needs Zagan and his followers to fall. One final sacrifice is needed to complete the program and assure the demon’s manifestation in our reality.”

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying? Omicron is headed for a Jim Jones-style mass suicide?”

Casca nodded gravely. “The Apple attack proves that Zagan is losing his sense of self-preservation. It’s only a matter of time before the authorities put it all together and come after him. A final showdown approaches.”

“And once this final sacrifice completes the program…”

“The demon will permanently enter our world. And it gets worse.”

Talon groaned. “You gotta be kidding me.”

“Becky managed to identify the code segment. It’s part of Omicron’s new operating system. Scheduled to automatically update at noon today, on all their devices.”

“What does that mean?”

“This program is designed to raise demons from the darkness. Occult ritual updated for a new millennium and transformed into a computer program. Once it’s out there, it can be replicated indefinitely. Anyone who comes in contact with the code will be able to raise and channel these entities, just as Zagan did. The program will be impossible to destroy, unless you track down each and every device and destroy them all.”

Talon cracked his knuckles and a bead of cold sweat pulsed down his face. Casca’s message was coming through loud and clear. If Zagan’s program went live, it could mean the end. For everyone.

“Let’s get to the fun part. How do we destroy this fucking program?”

“We hit the Omicron servers.”

Talon pondered this for a moment. “Which means I gotta go back in there.”

“It’s the only way to end this thing.”

Talon pointed at his brutalized chest. “I’m one of them now. Should make it easy to get past security. But what if Zagan pulls off another magic show?”

“I might be able to help you out on that front.” Casca removed a circular pendant from his drawer. Inside the circle was a five-pointed star.

“I think I got my own,” Talon said.

“This one is a little different,“ Casca said with a smile. “People see the pentagram as a representation of evil, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The five points represent the five senses, the five wounds of Christ, the five virtues of knighthood…”

“I get it. The pentagram can be a symbol of good. So how does it get such a bad rap?”

“In the 19th Century the interpretation changed,“ Casca explained. “With a single point facing upwards it was considered good, the spirit ruling over the element of matter.”

Casca turned the pentacle upside down and now it resembled Talon’s scar. “A reversed pentagram, with its two point upwards, became a symbol of evil because it overturns the proper order of things, putting matter above the spirit.”

“So what am I supposed to do with it?”

“The pendant dates back to the Sumerian period. It represents a powerful force of good. Wear it when you face Zagan and his power over your senses will diminish.”

Talon touched the pentagram amulet, not quite convinced. The metal was cool to the touch. No magical electricity here. Nevertheless, he pocketed the item. He would need all the help he could get.

“Anything else?”

“Let me show you something.” Casca rose from behind his desk and walked back into the library. Talon trailed him. The place didn’t seem all that eerie any more. Compared to some of the shit Talon had experienced back at Omicron, Casca’s library was downright cozy.

“By the way, sorry for being a dick earlier,” said Talon. “You were trying to warn me, but I wouldn’t listen.”

“I must apologize too. My over-eagerness got the best of me. You weren’t ready for the truth.”

“I am now.” There was determination in Talon’s voice.

Casca stepped up to one of the display cases. Talon leaned closer. Contained inside the glass case was a dagger inscribed with strange occult symbols.

“Do you like horror films?”

“You mean when I’m not living in one? To be honest I prefer comedies.”

“No accounting for taste, eh?”

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