Damnation Code (William Massa) - William Massa Page 0,18

the words sink in. “How much do you know about the paranormal, Sergeant?”

“I’m a little too old to believe in ghosts and goblins.”

“I guess that answers my question.”

“There’s evil out there, but it wears a human face. Michelle’s killers may think the Devil is real, but they’re just flesh and blood.” Talon took a step closer. “What sort of cult are we dealing with here?”

“Michelle asked me the same question. We don’t have much to work with at the moment, but certain details suggest a computer-technology cult of some kind. These types of cults incorporate science fiction and computer concepts into their occult and magical doctrine. You may be familiar with the “Rama” cult, whose members committed mass suicide and believed their spiritual guru to be in communication with aliens. Or Aum Shinrikyo, which carried out a Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995.”

Talon nodded grimly. “Aum Shinrikyo – Supreme Truth – was designated a terrorist organization by the United States. The cult used Christian and Buddhist ideas as well as the writings of Nostradamus to attract a highly educated following. Their leader, Asahara, saw himself as a Christ-like figure destined to save his followers from nuclear Armageddon.”

“I’m impressed, Sergeant. You know your terrorist groups.”

“What makes you think we’re dealing with such a group?”

“Besides the three suicides and their ties to Silicon Valley, there’s a telling detail the cops have been keeping a lid on.”

Casca indicated for Talon to follow him back into the apartment. As they returned to the crime scene, Talon tried to avoid the discoloration on the floor, knowing all too well its origin.

Casca respectfully circled the chalk outline of Michelle’s body and for a moment, a second pentagram on the wall framed his head like an unholy halo. He tilted his head at the series of numbers – a combination of ones and zeroes – scrawled below the inverted star:


Talon had missed the numbers when he last set foot in Michelle’s place. Seeing a loved one crumpled in a puddle of gore could impact anyone’s situational awareness.

“It’s a binary number,” Talon said.

“Correct. As you may know, binary numbers can be converted both into letters and decimal numbers. The number you’re looking at translates to six-six-six.”

666. The number of the Beast.

“According to Michelle’s source in the SFPD, the three suicides had the same binary number tattooed on their forearms.”

Talon took a step closer. The dark color of the binary sequence suggested that they were etched in blood.

Michelle’s blood.

“There’s something else you need to be aware of... I apologize in advance for bringing up such a painful and gruesome subject. The forensic report revealed that Michelle was stabbed eighteen times with three different knives. Six thrusts for each blade. Based on the angle of the wounds, the police think there were at least three killers involved, each wielding a blade.”

Talon balled his fists, his nails digging into the palms of his hands. How could Casca have access to secret police information? The answer was simple. Money. Information came at a price and Casca possessed deep pockets. And that begged another question. Why was he willing to part with his cash and get involved in an occult murder case? What was his angle?

“How does the head of a billion-dollar tech company end up becoming an expert on the weird?” Talon said.

“Even billionaires need hobbies.” Casca managed a thin smile before his features grew serious again. “I inherited Xtel. The company’s achievements are the result of my father’s hard work and vision. I’m the CEO in name only. Meaning that I attend a few board meetings but leave the day-to-day operations to folks far more qualified than myself. My calling lies in a different area.”

There was a part of Casca’s story that didn’t quite add up in Talon’s mind. Rich guys didn’t spend their free time chasing shadows and studying apocalyptic cults. “Do you believe the cult targeted Michelle?”

“I don’t believe in coincidence.”

“That makes two of us. But why her? Every major news outlet has been running stories about these occult crimes.”

“I don’t think Michelle was killed because of an article she wrote. She was killed because of an article she was going to write.”

“What do you mean?”

“Michelle had a source connected to the cult. They must’ve found out she was talking with someone on the inside, and they retaliated.”

Casca’s latest revelation confirmed Talon’s worst suspicion. He trembled with emotion.

My girl died because of a story she was working on.

Michelle’s high-risk job had cost her her life. But

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