Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,60

years leading up to it and the love they felt for one another. Whatever the reason, it didn’t really matter.

The second time was truly magical. The second time, they got it right.


One Month Later

She looks so much better than the last time he saw her.

That was Jack’s first impression as he looked across the table at Susan as his entire family enjoyed Sunday brunch at the hotel. Maybe she will get better this time, Jack thought about the difficult road she had traveled as he empathized with her loss and thought about the winding road ahead. She needs to for Greg.

“Dad, are you going to eat your waffle,” Logan interrupted his thoughts as he pulled at his arm.

“No I’m not. Go ahead, bud,” he replied as he transported the waffle to Logan’s plate and then doused it with syrup. “How were your eggs.”

“They were great,” Logan spoke with his mouth full.

“That’s good,” Jack replied absentmindedly and didn’t correct him for once.

“You okay, Jack,” Amanda questioned him as she touched his arm. “You’ve barely eaten.”

“I’m fine, just thinking about something,” he tried to return to the present. “How’s your salad.”

“It’s good,” she answered as he could tell she was concerned. “What are you thinking about.”

“Nothing really,” he wasn’t ready to share with her quite yet. “So, what do you guys have planned for this afternoon,” Jack turned his attention to Greg and Delaney.

“We’re going to help Susan clean up the house and maybe get ready for a garage sale next weekend,” Delaney outlined their day. “We should be home in time for dinner.”

“And I’m going to help,” Logan volunteered his assistance.

“Of course you are honey,” Amanda humored her son with a smile before quickly turning back into a psychologist. “Susan, are you sure you are ready for this.”

“I think I finally am,” Susan tried to explain what she was feeling. “It’s just time. I need to find a way to move on and I have to clear some of the reminders out of the house and out of my head. I’ll keep a few things of course, but it’s time for a fresh start. I probably should have done this a long time ago,” she paused and looked at Greg.

“It’s alright, Mom,” Greg reassured her as he put his hand on hers and then inexplicably froze.

What is it, Jack wondered why Greg had suddenly stopped speaking. Oh no, he realized there was a problem as he saw the look on Delaney’s face and she put her arm on Greg’s. Not now, he thought to himself as he turned around to watch the foursome of golfers belly up to the bar, led by J. Mitchell Caldwell, Sr.

“Look at Jack over there,” Mitch goaded him with that unmistakable southern drawl, loud enough for the entire room to hear. “Out to lunch with his pack of strays.”

Jack felt his anger boil over as he heard the nervous laughter of Mitch’s friends and felt Amanda’s hand reach for his arm as if to restrain him.

“Jack, look at me,” she said as he followed her instructions but really didn’t hear her. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

But, it was too late. Jack rose from the table as every eye in the room turned to see what he was going to do. “Greg, you remain seated,” he was firm in his orders as he stared at Greg to be sure he understood.

Jack took his time as he walked to the bar and gave Mitch a chance to defend himself or maybe even apologize for what he said. I don’t think that’s going to happen, Jack realized as Mitch turned to face him and he saw the bitter smirk of hatred on his face. No, there wasn’t going to be an apology.

“Excuse me, Mitch, I don’t think I heard you right,” Jack looked him directly in the eyes even though Mitch was at least half a head taller. “What did you say.”

“I said I don’t know why they let strays hang around this place,” Mitch purposely antagonized him as Jack felt his right hand form a fist and he knew he was going to hit him. “This resort has certainly attracted a lower class of people under your leadership, especially that so called family of yours.”

This is going to feel good, Jack realized as he felt his hand tense into a tightly wound ball and he sensed the blood rushing to his head. Get ready you bastard, Jack prepared to knock Mitch across the bar before that syrupy, sickening voice

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